Chapter 6: Headlines

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"The authorities have confirmed with us that Rachel Amber was spotted last night. A chase on foot was ensued, leading into a forest where Rachel was last seen by the police."

"Last night, the police were informed about a possible sighting of Rachel Amber. With the beliefs leading to be true, they followed Rachel into the woods here behind me. As you can see, the whole place is taped off."

"James Amber, the father of Rachel Amber and the DA of Arcadia Bay, has refused to speak on the matter. However, we were able to speak to some of Rachel Amber's peers at Blackwell Academy."

[Dana Ward - Lead Cheerleader at Blackwell Academy]

"I'm just glad to know that Rachel's alive. I mean, all of us here have been trying to get into contact with her, but she hasn't been answering anybody. I have, like, no idea what she's doing or why she's even doing this. I just want her to come back. We all miss her here."

[Michelle Grant - Teaches Science at Blackwell Academy]

"Rachel is one of my very best students. She always brings her A game to my classes. Now, I may not know what her motive is or why she's even doing this. But the one thing I do know? She is a very motivated young woman. Perhaps maybe a little too motivated for her own good."

Rose Amber stood in the living room watching the news with her husband next to her. Reporters from different news stations stood outside of their house, waiting for any type of statement from the DA.

"This is a nightmare, James." Rose said. "I know, honey." He replied, laying his hand on her shoulder. "I can't believe this is happening." She said. It was unbelievable that this was happening to them. Their daughter running away and being the center of headlines on the news, and now that the world knew who they were, it was damn near impossible to set foot outside of the house.

"What about the office? This is a PR disaster!" Rose said, rubbing the sides of her head. James ran his fingers through his gelled hair, letting out a frustrated sigh.

On the screen, the reporter ran to catch up to Victoria Chase. "Excuse me, do you have any-"

"No! Absolutely not! Get that *bleep* camera out of my face!" Victoria demanded, pushing the camera away from her before retreating into Blackwell.

The phone began ringing. James walked up to it and answered the call. "Mr. Amber? This is Officer Berry. We believe we may have found a lead on where your daughter is going. Come down to the station as soon as you can."

"Okay. I'll be there soon." James said.

"Who was that?" Rose questioned. "The police. They might know where Rachel is going. I'm going to go talk to them." James told her. "Okay, I'm coming to. Just let me change." Rose said.

Rose walked up to their room. Once she got up the steps, she looked at her daughters closed room. She closed her eyes, taking a breath in. She opened the door and stepped into her daughters old room. Even from the second floor of their house, Rose could still hear the muffled chatter from the reporters outside.

I wish they would just leave us alone.

She looked around Rachel's room, heartbroken that her daughter wasn't there. Even though Rachel moved into her dorm at Blackwell, a lot of her old stuff was still here. Rose looked at a picture of all three of them during their trip to Cuba years back.

Rose grabbed it and looked at her daughter. Rachel looked so happy. So carefree.

"Oh, Rachel... where have you gone, baby girl?" Rose tearfully said. She sighed before putting the picture back on the desk. Just as she was about to leave, something caught her eye on the desk. Rose's eyebrows knitted together as she studied what she saw. Covered by books looked to be a map.

Wait, that's...

Rose looked at Rachel's wall, seeing that the map on her wall wasn't there anymore.

Rose moved the books off, revealing that it was the map poster Rachel had hung up on her wall. There was a writing on the map that immediately caught Rose's attention.

"Let me know if you need an accomplice" It said.

But there was also something else that caught her eye. She followed a red marker line, going from Arcadia Bay down to Long Beach. It suddenly clicked with Rose about where her daughter was going.

And just exactly who her daughter was going to go see.

"Oh... Rachel."


"Welcome back, I'm Tracey Scott, and here's what's making news right now."

"Last night, the authorities have confirmed to the media that Rachel Amber was spotted and pursued. But since then, Rachel has vanished yet again. The police lost their sights on her when she reportedly jumped into a river to escape them."

"Wait wait, she did what now?" The notorious and obnoxious Steve Cutler said.

"This Rachel Amber chick seriously risked her life by jumping into a river, and for what? So she can keep playing her little games with the cops? Ha! What a joke."

Tracey Scott cleared her throat. "Ahem. Anyways, the authorities are still looking for Rachel Amber. If you have any information on her whereabouts, please contact the police and inform them." She said.

"Yeah. Or we can just let Miss Amber continue her little shenanigans because damn this is entertaining!" Steve said. "Steve, we're on air. Please watch your language." Tracey muttered, hiding her face in embarrassment. "My apologies, Tracey. Bottom line is, it's been far too long since the world has had any kind of entertainment. I say, keep going at it, Rachel! We are all watching you." Steve said.

Tracey sighed and shook her head. She brushed her clothes down and looked into the camera.

"The world watches anxiously, waiting to see what will happen next with Rachel Amber. Stay tuned, we'll have more on the case in the coming days."

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