Chapter 11: Transit

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Tuesday morning, May 7, 2013.

It's been two days since Rachel made it to California. And since those two days, Rachel's been laying low and taking a rest. After all, she's deserved it. These past few weeks have been hell. It was so nice to just relax for a while and get an actual good night's sleep. But with the police now on high alert, Rachel still had to be careful and not get too reckless.

Eyes closed, Rachel laid on her back with her earbuds in her ears as she listened to Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men.

It were the calm moments like this that Rachel loved. Where she was just in her own world with nothing to worry about. Even if they didn't last too long, Rachel would always cherish the moments of peace and calm.

Rachel opened her eyes.

You are fucking crazy, Rachel Amber.

Rachel smirked to herself.

At what point did you wake up one day and just think "You know what? Fuck this place. I'm going to travel on foot to California." Like I said. You are fucking crazy.

But just like every moment, this one was coming to an end. Rachel was about ready to move on again. It was time to get back on the road. There was still a long ways down to Long Beach. Rachel grabbed her earbuds and put them away. She grabbed her things and packed up. When she was finishing up, her stomach growled.

Rachel reached into her backpack and pulled out the last remaining energy bar. It'll have to do for now. Rachel found a secure place where she could eat and pulled the wrapper open.

Bon appetite.

Rachel began eating her last energy bar she packed from home. And it was going to have to last her for the rest of the trip. Her water supply was also running low. Rachel was going to be in need of food and water soon. She would have to save her water for when she needed it the most.

Maybe I should've packed some more food and water. Because after this, I'm all out.

Now that it was on her mind, Rachel really started to worry about the lack of food and water. It would only be a matter of time before starvation and dehydration kicked in. But at the same time, she wasn't going to let that get in her way.

I have not made it this far just to starve to death. I'm going to make it. I have to.

Once Rachel was done, she put the wrapper away in her backpack. When she pulled her hand out, something caught her eye. Curious, Rachel reached in and grabbed what felt like money. Not to sure what else to expect, Rachel slowly pulled her hand out of her backpack.

And in her hand was 50 dollars worth of cash. Rachel's eyes widen at the money in her hand.

This wasn't here before... Was this...

"Brody." Rachel said. "You son of a gun." A wide smile spread on her face.

Pure joy spread through her. Cash in hand, Rachel couldn't help but do a little happy dance. Laughing and grinning widely as she did so. "You're a fucking life saver, Brody." Once her celebration was over, she looked at the money in her hand. This is exactly what Rachel needed.

This could last Rachel all the way to Long Beach. This was just too perfect. She was still coming off the high of her celebration. She just couldn't contain her smile. As Rachel looked at the cash in her hand, something clicked in her mind.

Nevada was just a state over. Sam and her family moved there back when she and Rachel were just kids. They were in Las Vegas.

It's been years since Rachel's seen her. She always wanted to see Sam again. And maybe now, she finally could. Hell, she was already this far. It wouldn't hurt to make a quick detour. With the money she has, she could buy a bus ticket to Las Vegas.

But then of course came the worry that someone would recognize her on the bus. But she just... really wanted to see her friend again. And now just seemed like the perfect time since she might not ever get this chance again.

Well it was settled. Rachel was going to see her best friend again.

Rachel stuffed the money back in her backpack and picked it off the ground and slung it on her back. Radiant smile beaming, Rachel started making her way over to a bus station to purchase a ticket to Las Vegas, "Sin City".

After awhile, Rachel managed to find the station. She entered through the doors and approached the front desk.

"Hello. How can I help you today?"

"Hi." Rachel greeted. "Can I get a bus ticket to Las Vegas?"

"You're in luck! We've got one on the way which will be here in about," He checked his watch. "one hour. I'm pretty sure I can squeeze you in." He said. Rachel smiled. "Perfect." She said.

The bus ticket costed a little more than what Rachel wanted to spend, but she still had 20 dollars in her pocket. Once she had her ticket, Rachel sat down and waited for the bus to arrive.

Rachel pulled her hat down, hiding her face under the brim. And for good measure, pulled her hood over her head. Rachel pulled out her phone, and out of curiosity, checked the news to see if there were any updates on her. Perhaps if there was, she could use that to her leverage.

She was surprised to see Steph in one of the newer news clips from the previous day. Rachel plugged her earbuds in and listened to what she had to say.

"Rachel and I were always cool. She even helped me with my book report a few months ago when I had no idea where to start. I wish I could help her now. Whatever she is going through, I hope Rachel knows I'm just a text or phone call away."

Oh... Steph. You were always kind to me.

Steph was always one of Rachel's good friends. She and Chloe used to spend time with Steph and her friend Mikey North playing their tabletop games. Rachel always had a good time with those two nerds.

Warmhearted, Rachel took her earbuds out and put them away. As much as she wanted to take the offer, she couldn't risk texting Steph. For all she knows, there would be an officer on the other side of the phone, peering over Steph's shoulder. All the more reason to get to Long Beach.

But for now, that was put to the side. Rachel was going to Las Vegas. And she was so nervous. And yet, so excited.

About an hour later, Rachel was woken up from her nap when an announcement was made that her bus was being boarded soon. So she grabbed her backpack and stood from the seat.

A few minutes later, the bus was being boarded. Rachel stepped on the bus and went looking for her seat. Once she found it, she sat down with a tired sigh. It was still going to be a long ride until Las Vegas, so she had time for some more sleep. Rachel was satisfied with all the sleep she's been getting as of late. Not like before where she hardly slept through one night.

So she settled into her seat and closed her eyes.

And finally, the bus was off to Las Vegas.


Earlier inside the bus station, a woman watched as a blonde haired girl climbed onto the bus. And it was no question that was Rachel Amber inside that bus.

The woman pulled her phone out and called the authorities.

"Hi. I'm pretty sure I just saw Rachel Amber."

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