Chapter 7: A New Face

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Rachel's Journal Entry

January 17th, 2013

I'm getting the urge to get out of Arcadia Bay. This place just drains the soul out of me. I want to get out. Explore the world. See what fate has in store for me. I'm going to leave my mark on the world before I'm gone.

I'm a Leo. And we don't ever look back. We go wherever life takes us. And I swear, as each day passes, I just itch for that freedom.

I live for the thrills of life. To feel the excitement of what comes next. But right now, I'm not feeling any of that. And it's driving me absolutely fucking crazy. The fire is already fueled inside of me. I just need the right thing to ignite it. Blow it to kingdom come.

To set me free.


Once she woke up, Rachel lifted her head off her backpack. Rachel groaned, putting her hand on the back of her neck. She rolled her head, cracking her sore neck.

This backpack isn't an ideal pillow.

After the chase last night, Rachel camped out by the river. That chase exhausted her and she was still feeling the affects from it. Her body ached everywhere. Worst of all, her jacket and clothes were still wet from the water.

Rachel rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stood to her feet. She grabbed her backpack from the ground and opened it.

She reached inside and grabbed an energy bar. She let out a disgusted groaned, seeing that it was still damp from the river. But she made the best of it. Sitting on the log by the water, Rachel ate her energy bar that was her only breakfast. Once she finished, Rachel put the wrap away and slid her backpack on her shoulders.

When she stood up, she winced in pain. She looked down at where the pain was coming from, and saw a rip on her jeans near her ankle. She lifted her pants up and saw a cut.

Shit. I didn't even feel it last night. The adrenaline was so high.

I must have cut myself on a rock in the river. Not good.

Rachel sighed as she let go of her jeans. Just another thing to add to the many things that have gone wrong in the passed 24 hours. But there was no time to sit. She had to keep going. It was already a risky move to camp out near the chase zone. Rachel had to get out of there before the cops found her again.

Rachel looked up the steep hill that led back to the highway. "Yep. No way I'm climbing that." Rachel muttered. Rachel looked in both directions, looking for an easier way up. She decided to walk along the hill in hopes of finding a path that led back up to the road. But as she walked, the pain from her cut started to sink in.

Her clothes were still wet. Everything in her backpack was soaked. The cut on her ankle was causing more pain as she walked.

Rachel collapsed. She rolled onto her back on the hill. "Should have... packed some bandages." Rachel huffed. She was mad at herself for not even considering packing bandages. Because now, her cut was at risk of infection. And considering she was just in the river the other night, her cut could already be infected.

Rachel laid there for a few more seconds before she sat up.

This can't be happening. Not after I made it this far.

Rachel slowly pushed herself to her feet and continued walking along the hill. She could leave her cut for now, but sooner or later, she would have to attend to it. She couldn't leave it exposed for long otherwise it would cause more problems for her later on. And she was still a few hours out from the Californian border.

At last, Rachel found a path that led up the hill. At a slow pace, Rachel hiked up the hill. Once she made it up, Rachel made sure to lookout for police. But now, it wasn't smart to walk in plain sight with cars passing by on the road. So Rachel kept close to the woods, picking up her journey where she left off.

But just down the road, she saw a station wagon parked on the side of the road. And it looked like no one was around. Despite herself, Rachel decided to take a look. Perhaps they had something she could borrow.

Rachel looked inside, and saw that no one was in it. But was it unlocked? To Rachel's surprise, it was. "They might be around still. So I better make this quick." Rachel looked through the station wagon, hoping to find some bandages or at least a fresh meal. Some water would be appreciated too. Rachel ran around to the back and opened it.

Dammit! There's nothing here. Just a bunch of junk.

To Rachel's disappointment, the station wagon was a bust. But as she was rummaging through it, a voice suddenly spoke behind her. "And just what do you think you're doing, dude?"

Startled, Rachel bumped her head against the roof. She quickly looked behind her and saw a man with glasses and a beard standing behind her with his arms crossed.

"I- Um... Is this yours?" Rachel asked. The man sighed. "What do you think, girl? What the hell are you doing?" He asked. "Look, you're not gonna find anything back there. Just my laptop, things and stuff." He said. Rachel nodded, embarrassed. "Right. Sorry. I'll just... be going now." She said. "Now, hold on just a minute." He said. "Look, kid. You look to be in bad shape. The least I can do is offer you my help. You're already here, going through my ride. Do you need anything?"

Rachel was surprised at this guys generosity. He had every right to shoo her away. But he didn't. She wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste.

"It's my ankle." Rachel said, pointing down at her leg. "I cut it last night. And I'm worried that it might be infected." She told him. The man nodded. "Yeah, I can see that. Well, you're in luck. There's a town just a few miles from south from here. I can take you there, and we can get some bandages for your ankle." He said. "Really? You'd do that for me?" Rachel questioned. "You look like you need the help. Now, are we going to hop in, or stand here on the side of the road all day?" He said.

"I, guess we're hopping in. Thanks." Rachel said, still unsure whether this guy could be trusted or not. "Great." He said with a smile. "Now come on." The guy said as he closed the back of his station wagon.

"Excuse the mess. One of these days, I'm going to have to clean my car." He said with a chuckle. Rachel just forced a smile before looking away. "You can just leave your backpack in the back." He told her. He started the vehicle and began driving down the road.

"Name's Brody." He said. "I'm an online traveling journalist." Brody said.

"Online traveling journalist?" Rachel questioned. "Yep. I'm just a dude who drives around in his car and writes about people." Brody said. "And who are you?" He asked.

Rachel gulped. "I'm..." She said. "Uh-" Brody raised his eyebrow, waiting for her name. "My name's... Sam." Rachel said. This time, both of his eyebrows raised. "Oh... really?" He said, scratching his beard. "Y-Yeah." Rachel said with a suspicious stutter.

"Well... it's very nice to meet you Sam." Brody said. "Interesting name for a girl." He added. "It's actually Samantha. But, uhh, I go by Sam." Rachel said, hoping that Brody couldn't see right through her. "Mm-hmm. Got it. Nice to meet you Samantha who goes by Sam." Brody said.

"If you want, you can get some sleep. We're still a little ways away." Brody said. Even though not to long ago she was asleep, Rachel could go for another nap. After all, she was exhausted. "I'll let you know when we're there." Brody said.

Rachel turned around in her seat and closed her eyes. Letting the exhaustion take her away.

Brody looked over at Rachel for a few seconds before looking back at the road.

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