Chapter 1: On the Road

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With Arcadia Bay behind her, it almost seemed like Rachel was starting a new life. And her previous life was washed away, replaced by her desire to find Sera.

Rachel knew she had a long road ahead of her since she was on foot. A hitchhiker. Rachel decided it was the best move since if she got any kind of public transportation, her information would be in their files and authorities would be able to track her down from there. And she knew she couldn't take her parents car. That was immediately crossed out.

Rachel wore her black jacket over a red flannel with a pair of light blue jeans and black converse high tops.

Rachel pulled her hood over her head to hide her face from everyone passing by. Her jacket only provided her so much warmth in the rain that was currently dropping from the grey sky. She hugged herself, shuddering and teeth chattering. By now, Rachel was soaked from the rain. But this was one of the things she expected to go through when walking through the natural wilderness. Spring has just started, but the cool air from the days of winter still remained.

Rachel's music played in her ears through some earbuds. If it was one thing that she would need on this long trip, it was her music. She remembered how different her taste in music was compared to Chloe. It was almost funny. They would always got into some playful banter about which music was better. Rachel knew her music was always better than Chloe's. Well, at least in her opinion.

"Babe, you know I have better taste in music." Said Rachel.

Chloe scoffed. "As if Rach'."

Rachel smiled, fondly remembering those harmless arguments in Chloe's room.

As expected, Rachel's feet were getting sore from all the walking. And she knew that she still had a long way before she even entered the state of California. And from there, she would have to keep on walking down to Long Beach. Rachel almost wanted to turn back. But she couldn't now. She made her decision. And she was sticking with it until the very end.

Rachel reached into her backpack and pulled out her map to look if there was any motels around where she could rest in the coming night. Luckily, there was a small town a few miles down the road where a motel was located.

Rachel had been walking for nearly 2 hours now and her feet were killing her. She couldn't wait until she arrived at the motel. Rachel adjusted the backpack on her shoulders and continued onward down the road toward the motel.

After about another hour, the motel's sign was finally visible in the distance. Rachel let out a relieved sigh and a smile spread across her face. She approached the building and pushed through the doors. The clerk looked up and gave Rachel a welcoming smile. "Good evening. Gosh, you look exhausted." Rachel replied, "You have no idea." The clerk chuckled and said, "How about I hook you up with a room for a night or two?" Rachel smiled. "That would be great." She said. "Room 24. Head outside, turn right and just follow the staircase." The clerk said. "We also have a restaurant nearby in case you're hungry." She said.

Rachel smiled at her. "Thanks." She said. "Enjoy your stay!" The clerk said as Rachel made her way out. She did what the clerk said and walked up the steps to her room.

Rachel opened the door with the key the clerk gave her and stepped into the room. She was greeted by immediate warmth which she had been wanting for the passed few hours. Rachel set her backpack on the table and plopped herself on the bed with a tired sigh.

And there she was. Miles from home. Everything she ever knew was gone. Her house. Her parents. Chloe. Everything. Inside, Rachel was regretting this decision. But she couldn't let that get to her. She was already this far. She couldn't turn back now.

Rachel sat up and turned on the lamp on the end table beside the bed and took out her phone which she saw a thread of messages from everyone she knew. Rachel scrolled through them with her thumb, skimming though all of them. Familiar names appeared like Dana Ward, Juliet Watson, Steph Gingrich, Hayden Jones along with several other Blackwell students. Even Victoria Chase sent Rachel a text.

But not one of them was from Chloe. Rachel knew she probably wouldn't hear from Chloe again. Not after what she did, committing the act of leaving Arcadia Bay. She only hoped that Chloe could forgive her someday.

Rachel's stomach grumbled. The clerk had mentioned a restaurant that was nearby. And Rachel was starving. She turned the lamp off and walked over to the door and left the room. She walked down the steps and walked around the motel to see the restaurant just down the road. Rachel couldn't take anymore walking. But she was incredibly hungry. And the food she managed to pack, she had to save for a later time.

Rachel stuffed her hands into the pockets in her jacket and made her way over to the restaurant just down the road. Obviously, it wouldn't be as good as Two Whales, but it would have to do for now.

A couple walked out of the restaurant, holding hands and caught up in their own conversation as Rachel passed them and entered the restaurant.

The place was mildly busy, but not crowded. It even had a TV propped on the wall. Rachel walked up to the counter and ordered herself a meal. She went and found an empty table and sat down and started eating.

Rachel mindlessly watched the people around her as she ate. The little girl crying because she wanted to leave. The lady on her phone. The old man eating by himself. Everyone had their own stories. That fascinated Rachel. Everyone in the room had their story to tell. And right now, Rachel's story was the fact that she was traveling down state, on foot, to California. One that would surely surprise many.

As Rachel was finishing up, she saw something on the TV that nearly made her choke on her meal. Wide eyed, Rachel stared at a picture of herself on the TV in horror with the headline reading, Local Girl Goes Missing. Rachel couldn't believe it. She had to get out of there, and quickly.

"Earlier today, there has been reports in Arcadia Bay that an 18 year old woman by the name of Rachel Amber has gone missing. She was last heard on the phone with her mother before she abruptly hung up."

Rachel quickly pulled her hood over her head and stood up. She emptied out her tray in the trash and quickly made her way out of the restaurant. "Dammit." Rachel muttered quietly. As she walked away, she looked over her shoulder through the windows and saw an entire crowd surrounding the TV.

Some even turning their heads, looking at the table where Rachel was just seated moments ago. Indicating she was already being recognized by some people.

Rachel looked away and stuffed her hands in her pockets and as quickly as she could, walked to the motel.

When she arrived to her room, Rachel made sure the door was locked behind her and sat on the bed. She turned the TV on and scrolled through the channels until she found the news channel. And again, she saw an image of herself on the screen.

"The popular student was a senior at Blackwell Academy located in Arcadia Bay, Oregon. Earlier today, we had a chance to speak to the Principal, Raymond Wells. Here's what the Principal had to say regarding the situation."

"We at Blackwell Academy are all concerned for Miss Amber. She was an excellent student and well-liked among her fellow students. I wish her family the best during this difficult time."

Rachel shook her head. Typical Wells. Chloe is right. His head is so far up his ass.

Rachel knew this was going to happen. And now, her face was in the media. Everyone would know what she looked like in the next few days. This whole journey just became harder. Much harder. Rachel pushed her golden hair behind her ear and pressed her hands against the bed behind her.

"Shit... what am I going to do?" Rachel questioned herself.

How am I supposed to do this now?

She let out a sigh. This was going to be much more difficult now. She had to stay low. Keep out of sight. And keep moving. She would have to leave first thing in the morning. Rachel turned off the TV and kicked off her shoes. She lied down on the bed and pulled the blankets over her. She moved over onto her side.

After a few minutes of thinking about the whole situation, Rachel eventually closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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