Chapter 10: The Whole World's Gone Mad

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Monday evening, May 6, 2013.

Even though she wouldn't admit it, Victoria Chase was concerned for Rachel Amber. After all, she didn't hate her. Rachel just had everything that she wanted for herself. The glory. The confidence. The prestige. Everyone seemed to love Rachel. And yet, even after all of her efforts, Victoria would never be Rachel Amber.

And that ate her alive.

But despite all of that, at this moment, Victoria couldn't bring herself to wish any ill will on Rachel. However, everywhere she went, she saw Rachel's face. It made her sick to her stomach. It's all anyone talked about on campus. It became impossible to step foot out of Blackwell before a reporter would shove a mic in your face, asking questions about Rachel Amber.

Victoria needed an out. She was going crazy just sitting in her dorm. She grabbed her things and left the room. Students filled the dorm as Victoria walked through the hall.

"This is totally insane." Dana said.

"I didn't know Rachel had it in her to do something like this." Juliet replied. "However, you did look good on TV the other day." She said. Dana winked at her. "Thanks, sista." She replied.

Written on Rachel's whiteboard outside of her room were all kinds of messages from her peers at Blackwell. But Victoria didn't bother writing anything and just left. But as she got to the door, Courtney called out to her. "Victoria, where are you going?" She asked as she caught up to her. "I just need to get out for a bit." She said. "I'll come with you." Courtney replied. "No, just... stay here." Victoria told her before pushing the door open and leaving.

Dana and Juliet watched as Victoria left through the door. Juliet turned to Dana and said, "Victoria seems to be taking it pretty hard." Dana scoffed. "Didn't think she had a heart." She said.

When Victoria exited the building, she saw the football guys chilling out by the benches. Samuel was working on the sprinklers. There always seemed to be something wrong with them. Alyssa was reading a book by the tree. Brooke was flying her drone around. And Warren was trying to impress her with his science knowledge.

Ew. I've got to get out of here. Too many delinquents out here for my liking.

Victoria made her way around into the main campus. But of course, just as she feared, she saw a group of reporters with Steph Gingrich by the fountain. Victoria hated these pesky reporters trying to get their scoop on Little Miss Perfect. Always shoving their mic's in her face, asking repeated questions about her mortal enemy.

"Rachel and I were always cool." Steph told them. "She even helped me with my book report a few months ago when I had no idea where to start. I wish I could help her now. Whatever she is going through, I hope Rachel knows I'm just a text or phone call away."

Oh my GOOOOD. Can you make it any more clear you wanna get in her pants, bitch?

Victoria rolled her eyes and continued walking, trying her best to avoid the cameras. As she walked, Mr. Jefferson came walking out of Blackwell. He looked at her and gave her a nod.

"Victoria." He greeted. "Hello, Mr. Jefferson." Victoria said back. "What brings you out here?" He asked. "I just needed to get some air. I was going crazy in my dorm." She said. He nodded. "I understand. With the whole Rachel Amber situation going on, I've found it hard to focus too." He said.

"As you know, Blackwell has been hit pretty hard by all this exposure." Mr. Jefferson said.

"I know how stressed you probably are with everything going on, but you can talk to me anytime, Mr. Jefferson." Victoria told him, smiling softly at him. "I, uhh, thank you Victoria." Mr. Jefferson said.

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