Chapter 1 A Normal day?

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A Normal day?

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A Normal day?

"What the hell" - Mason

Bonnie treated Mason with a milkshake at the mystic grill, seeing as they don't spend enough time together.  she has been with the Scooby Gang too much, or doing other things. and he was doing his own things, being at both his gram's grave, and his boyfriends grave. Being Bennett witches in mystic falls wasn't easy

"you know you have every chocolate topping in mystic falls in your milkshake" Bonnie said, "that does not look healthy, like at all...are you even drinking it all?" she grabbed her Strawberry Milkshake and began drinking it.

"Bon i could have gotten more if you haven't stopped me..." he complained "and you know how much i love chocolate" "and yes...of course im drinking the whole milkshake" he was already halfway through the milkshake. 

"so how are you, seeing as moving back here after gram's death and with Jon dying a few months before that..." Bonnie knew he wasn't taking all these deaths well. When Mason felt like blaming himself for Jonathan's death. 

Mason sighed, "Please don't start, bonnie. im completely fine. my magic has been difficult...but other than that im fine." he didn't want to another conversation about Jonathan. Hearing his name still hits mason hard. he could just remember going on their first date, like it was yesterday. he smiled at the memories he and Jonathan made together 

"just remember Mason, im always here. ill always make time for my little brother" she said.

The Bennett siblings began to have a lovely conversation, that was untill bonnie got a call from Stefan...saying he needed help. Mason tried to listen in, but bonnie excused herself from the table and walked away. 

Mason groans, "Not the first time this has happened." he sat there untill he was done with his milkshake and called the waiter.


Mason walked back home after his daily walk in the cemetery. stopping at both Jonathan and Gram's grave and placing a rose by each one. What bonnie said at the grill, he has had a few breakdowns. but he has been seeing a therapist, for the most part. the supernatural has not been doing good for him. his boyfriend dying, Grams. his magic being out of control.

now he is in his room cleaning up from top to bottoms, grimoires laying all on the floors, papers scattered all over the bed. he started grabbing random things and placed them back into their places. "this is going to take days..." he thought. he walks back to all the books on the ground and started picking them up.

"this would go faster if i had my magic." Mason complained to himself, putting the books back on the shelf. he sighed and walked to the door, wanting a small break. before he could walk out of his room, he stopped.

 "maybe trying to use magic won't end up badly..." he thought as he looked at his hands and then back at his room. he closed his eyes before saying, "okay, screw it." he ran into bonnie's room and grabbed a few candles before running back to his room.

He sat in the middle of the room having candles around him, chanting. "Phasmatos motus" before stopping. he opened his eyes to see nothing worked. his magic really was this bad. 

"my magic is not working, huh." he said to himself. he saw the candles were out, but nothing has moved. "strange" he thought. he stood up and started putting the candles away before feeling something pulling him. he turned to see some sort of portal...

"WHAT THE HEL-" he screamed before getting sucked in..

"Mason what's the screaming all abou-" Bonnie ran into his room seeing everything on the floor." Mason?" Bonnie grew more concerned by the second, she searched the whole house and tried a location spell before calling the person she trusted most. 

"Stefan, something happened to Mason and i can't find him" Bonnie cried into the phone as she ran out of the house. 

in Smallville 

"Lois, you have to say something." Clark says as Lois turns around and starts walking away.

 he starts walking after her before he heard a sound from the sky. he looks up, seeing an unconscious boy falling, with objects around him. the other two Kent boys look up seeing the same thing. 

Jordan wanted to say something, but Clark flew away before he could speak. The boys look at each other, wanting to go after their father but deciding not to. They saw Clark catching the boy and flying down. 

Clark flies to the boy and catches him before he could hit the ground. he floats down, before seeing stuff that he assumes is the boy's. he grabs some of it before flying back to the house, not noticing his son in some of these pictures.

He flies into the house and puts the boy on the couch. Jonathan and Jordan ran into the house.  

"dad what was he doing in the sky?" Jordan asks, looking at the random boy in their living room. Clark stays quiet while he looks over the boy who looks the same age as the twins.

 Jordan  sees a phone and photos on the coffee table and goes to look at them. he turns the phone on. "Jon, do you know him?" he asks the brother. seeing the photo of his brother in it.

Jon turns from the boy to his brother. "no?, why are you asking". Jonathan looks confused. Jordan shows the phone to him. "because i think he knows you..."

Jonathan started thinking of multiple reasons why this boy could be here. He can't lie he does feel attracted to him. "We have to figure this out" with his eyes on the picture of him and this boy.


End of chapter

What happens next??

I really started this book right when my Exams started. I am such an idiot. So i will be posting when i can. I have the chapters ready. Just a lot of editing.

If i made any errors. Please tell me.

And i just realized this may be a short chapter? I'll make sure to make it longer.

Words: 1036

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