chapter ten: a night to remember

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Ye!lo! So besties! I have exams the next week and I will finish by the 12th if may. Which is in 9 days, anyway! Ummmm...I won't be uploading much because my lazy self haven't opened a single book the whole term, I have physics to study! Astronomy but I love astronomy. Chemistry which I hate! Algebra that I am the dumbest on in it and geometry which is the best!

I think I talked a lot, right? Let's just get into that chapter, I have been waiting for it!

I think I talked a lot, right? Let's just get into that chapter, I have been waiting for it!___________________________________________

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"Do you mind if I steal a kiss, sir?"

*Third person pov*

"Come on Crystal, we have to get ready and you still have to talk to professor McGonagall" Hermione said looking at her watch then stood up.

"There is still three hours" Ron said putting a gummy bear that he stole from y/n's bag who was playing with Kay.

"Only!" Y/n' said suddenly "come on Hermione! I told you to tell me before it with four hours!"

"Four hours!?" Ron and harry said together "why would you need all of that time!"

"First professor McGonagall need me in the ball room to fix something then I need to get ready" y/n' said quickly standing up "I will see you at our dormitory mione"

"Okay" Hermione said and also stood up and went to her dormitory to get ready.

"Again who did you ask for me?" Ron said looking at Harry who was eating a tarcle tart.

"Parvati Patil" Harry said.

"Okay....when will I meet her?" Ron asked

"Before the ball with 30 minutes"

"Okay....and when will you meet crystal?" Ron asked again

"Before the ball with 20 minutes"

" I really have to wear the suit mum sent?" Ron asked again

"You can ask crystal to creat one for you"

"Okay....can I ask you something?" Ron asked again

"You have asked like four questions over now but yes"

"How am I suppose to, you know meet Parvati?" Ron asked again nervously.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked confusedly

"I mean should I kiss her hand? Or take her by a hug?"

"Ron did you ever even hug crystal or Hermione who are our best friends?"

"I did hug crystal two times but never Hermione and will never!"

"Yeah keep saying that until I see you marrying her"

"What are you saying! Did you have a good night with crystal got you high or something?"

"What! First of all me and crystal are not in a relationship to shag! second when did you get dirty minded and last but not least yes I bet you are going to marry Hermione at the end"

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