chapter four: detention with a bitch

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Sup? I am telling you this is one of the chapters that I hate in the movies and in the books.

Warning: the ink scene

Warning: the ink sceneBloodTorture__________________________________________

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"Are you serious asking about mine? Can't believe you really"


*Third person pov*

"What is the first class?" Y/n said pouring milk in a bowl full of cereal.

"Defense against the darks arts" Hermione said looking at the schedule.

"Worst way to start a new school year" Mathew said sitting beside Harry. "Like honestly I already don't like her"

"We still don't know her" Hermione said "you don't judge a book with its cover"

"Yeah...I still don't like her" Mathew said taking a bit of his buttered toast.

"Same with me" y/n said shrugging. "Ron what are you doing?!"

"What?!" Ron said waving his hands.

"You never put the milk before the cereal! Cereal first then milk!" Y/n snapped at him.

"It is like I care? I am going to eat it anyway" Ron said shrugging.

Y/n looked at him and then snapped her fingers making the bowl disappear with what in it.

"Hey!!!" Ron snapped at her and she smirked at him.

"Now put the cereal then the milk" y/n said

"Your girlfriend is crazy! And tell her to get away from ma food!" Ron pointing at Harry as Hermione made Ron's bowl again.

"Hey don't put me in between" Harry said raising hiss hands in defence.

"Whatever" Ron said started eating his cereal.

"Oh there is my ginna! I will go meet you in class" Mathew said looking at ginny who was waving at him and went to her.

"Still can't believe I allowed this to happen" Ron said shaking his head.

"Honestly Ron I think they are cute together" Hermione said taking a sip of her juice.

"Same, Harold can you pass me the sugar" y/n said pouring some coffee to her to drink.

*Y/n's pov*

"You sit next to harry, crystal. I will sit by Ron" Hermione said as I nodded and went to sit by Harry.

"Lovely having you by me, my lady" Harry said smiling at me.

"Why thank you, kind sir" I said bowing before sitting down next to him.

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