Part 9

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(Teja straight up went to washroom and locked herself inside. She was crying and sobbing uncontrollable. She was not able to understand what and where went wrong. )

Teja while crying:- Where did i go wrong??
Did i gone thst far ?? Are people are going think same that i m a slut ? Who had came in because to make angles? But this is who am i. This is me, is that too much that people are going to find me slut?

(And she started crying harder. )

(Karan entered luggage area and could hear Teja's cry. He went towards washroom things were fell down. Teja was crying like mess. It just pricked his heart. It felt like someone stabbed him. With lots of courage he bang the door. )

Karan:- Teja....Sweety open the door.

Teja while crying:- Karan just go... leave me alone.

Karan:- Nope ......if you don't leave me in my lows then why would i. I will stay were with you. Sweety please come out.

Teja:- Please Karan leave me.

Karan:- No, not possible. I will count till 5 and if you don't open it then i will break it.  And you know me i can do it so....1.....2......3......4.....

(And door got opened and Teja knew that Karan was not lying if she wouldn't open door he will break it so she opened it and found him stand infort of her. She couldn't resist and threw herself on him. Karan got unbalanced a till but was strong enough to compose himself so he did same. Karan stand firmly and quickly rapped his arms around Teja. He was rubbing her back as Teja was sobbing hard. Holding her securely in his arms no one cant hurt her here in his arm. And was trying to calm her by whispering sweet things in her ears. )

Karan:- Teja....Sweety....shant hoja. You know na you the strongest. No one in this world is as strong as you.Even i didn't see somebody as strong as you. Sweety stop crying see i m right here.  I m affected by their rubbish talk?? no right. And i m sure Pratik and Nishant also are not affect they still care for. Acha look at me.

(Karan breaks the hug cups her face. He hurt by seeing her condition her syes were swollen, hair got messy,  clothes were wet due to ice, her nose was swollen due to tadaka and rashes all over neck. He quickly wiped her tears. Hearing his sweet talk Teja got a little stable.)

Karan:- Teja do they matter to you??

Teja nodded in no.

Karan:- Then why are you getting affected with their words. You yourself keep saying only people who are close to me can hurt me. Then what happen?? You had forgotten your own thing??

Teja in cracking voice:- No its not that Karan......She indirectly called me slut. I swear Karan i didn't do anything purposely. I didn't do for fame or to win or for cameras. I am same here as i m outside the house. I swear i m not using you to be in game.

Karan:- Sweey do you think i believe in them. No sweety i don't believe in them. I believe in person standing in front of me you had not cared for herself and took care of me whole night. I believe in you TEJASSWI PRAKASH.......

Teja:- But if outside house the people thinks the same?? And she dragged my parents also you know they live alone. My brother is in states and they come to know about this then they will break down.

(Saying this Teja goes and sit on couch pulling her hair in frustration. Karan goes there sits infront on his knees and remove her hands from her hair keeps his hand on cheek and make her to see in his eyes. )

Karan:- Look in my eyes Teja.....
Do you believe me...

Teja nodded in yes.

Karan:- Then listen to me. Teja your parents are going to proud of you that how thier daughter is strong. If you are going to keep crying then definitely they will be hurt. So first stop crying. And you told me that you are same outside then people who know you knows that Teja is real and not fake.

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