P5- The Throne Room

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"Robin, I don't want to frighten you or anything, but..." Tom's whisper was heard as Robin focused on the wall in front of him.

Light lit up the room for a moment before thunder was heard a few seconds after.

Robin stepped back as he saw a silhouette across him in the room, right in front of the throne, staring right back at him.

"I don't think you're alone in this room."




"Who's there? I saw you."

Prince John's voice was heard as a pair of soft footsteps were heard in front of him, sprinting towards Robin. It seemed like he was walking on the carpet to prevent any noise.

Robin quickly stepped away from his spot toward the left side of the room, away from the balcony and hopefully away from the approaching prince.

Another light lit up the room, showing the prince standing in the same place Robin just stood at. He frantically looked around to try and see Robin, but the light was too fast to give him enough time.

Robin stood still as he heard Prince John walk around quietly, a thunder strike heard.

Now all they both could do is listen for each other and take the chance they get from the thunderlight to see each other.

Right now, this was all about patience, timing, and hearing. Something both boys had trouble with to handle sometimes.

Robin crouched a little on the ground and started shuffling silently towards the throne, keeping an eye on the place Prince John was heard.

Robin looked around himself to try not to bump into anything to make noise. Too late to keep an eye on Prince John as the thunderlight lit up the room once again.

The light was there, and Robin was just too late to try and see the prince.

But that didn't matter, as long as he could still hear Prince John-!

Robin stopped shuffling as he didn't hear anything from the prince's direction, thunder booming harshly through the throne room.

He tried to listen for a full minute, but nothing was heard. It frustrated him dearly.

Robin stood up silently as he saw the silhouette of the throne nearby. Step by step he sneaked towards the throne, still trying to hear anything from the prince, but still no avail.

He paused in his steps as he heard Tom speak to him.

"Robin, isn't it weird that there's no sound heard from Prince John?" Robin was silent as he couldn't speak right now, not wanting to give away his position.

Tom paused to himself, feeling a bit unsure, then started to talk again but more slowly.

"Didn't you once say that he could be sneaky sometimes?"

As Tom said those words, Robin's breath hitched.

That was right. He told Tom a while ago that ever since King Richard returned to Nottingham, he became sneakier and could listen in way better. It became sometimes a problem for Robin's missions.

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