Dating Robin Hood in general

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I may add more if I have any more ideas. Btw F to my big toe I probably broke while falling down the fucking stairs.

- People weren't surprised when the Robin Hood had a partner. I mean who wouldn't fall for an adventurer that fights for justice and other things.

- He is the one that confessed all of the sudden. He was nervous of course, but after you said yes, he was overjoyed.

- Scarlett already was a good friend of yours since you basically are part of the gang. So she didn't have a problem when you both started dating.

- Mathilde was overjoyed for her nephew! She basically awed at the both of you each time she saw you both. She also sometimes asks you to cook with her, to teach you some of her special recipes. She even taught you her secret recipe for her chocolate cake, which Tuck was oh so jealous off!

- We all know about Marians crush on Robin so it was kinda tense between the two of you. The others basically told her to keep her chill around you since they all knew the relationship between you and Robin wasn't going to change, at all. She-with some problems, followed their advice and started to act normal around you again. She still had a hard time with whether you or Robin show affection to one another, but she'll live.

- No one in the village complained about the two of you being together, they were just fine with it obviously.

- But sadly, word got around quickly and reached the prince. Who already had plans to use you to capture Robin.

- Robin obviously knows about what the prince is capable off so he was on his guard the entire time around you.

- Even though he knows he can basically beat the prince in almost anything, he doesn't want you to be dragged into his rivalry with the prince.

- He's very protective of you.

- If you know how to defend yourself, he wouldn't be too worried about you. But still, he has other rivals then only prince John and has the feeling that they will return for revenge some way or another.

- If you don't know any defences, he'll try to teach you all he knows. Like how you can easily climb and jump from tree to tree, to being able to throw anything at people.

- He has taught you archery at least once. If you want more lessons, he'll gladly give it to you in return with some pecks on the cheek.

- He's a teaser. He like to sneak up behind you and put his hands over your eyes just to scare you. Or jump from behind a tree and also scare you.

- He'd never do any harmful pranks or teases.

- If you compliment him, he'll get flustered and will blush around you.

- His way of complimenting you goes almost always through some teasing, he like to see your reaction and blushing face.

- Has secretly a hard time with his hair. It's always wild and whether you try to brush it or wash it, it'll always be somewhat tangled up.

- He loves it when you go through his hair though. You're extra careful though as there are still tangles here and there. Be he has a high pain rate, so he can take it.

- If you want too, he will go through yours too if you ask him to.

- Gets annoyed easily If your insecure about yourself as he doesn't get what's to dislike about you. He'll sit down with you and list all your amazing things. Which is basically everything in his eyes.

- He of course, also has his own insecurities, but he doesn't show those too easy around you. If he shows them, you'll take him somewhere private to pep talk him and cuddle him a bit if he's in the mood.

- Most likely to cuddle with you in his hammock or on your bed. If you do it in the den, you'll most likely watch the clouds through the leaves while relaxing. If it's in your room, you just lie with each other while sometimes doing small thing, like drawing or reading a book.

- He doesn't say it, but he loves it when you trace and count his freckles. Sometimes pecking them as well, it always makes him fluster.

- He does it too if you have moles or birthmarks or other kind of spots on your body.

- You two at least date 2 times a week minimum. Most likely to go to the special place he took you to on your first date. Still, only you two know about it, no one else.

- Sometimes when either of you is too busy to hang out with one another, he'll come by your house quickly and shoots an safe arrow with an note attached to it in your room. Of course you keep the window opened as you don't want any trouble with your caretaker for a broken window. It's a small note that just says he either misses you or that he loves you, with a small drawing on it. You kept those notes and have them sorted in a drawer of yours to look at when you miss him or when you feel down.

- He eats a lot at your house. At least 4 times a week. They basically accepted him as part of the family, so they'll prepare one more plate just to be sure every day.

- If you're the one that has to prepare dinner, he'll gladly help! So he can spend more time with his partner and learn to cook more delicious recipes.

- You sometimes eat at the den as well. And stay until night playing games and chatting with the other boys.

- Robin is officially invited to every game night you have with your family, which is at least once in the two weeks. And he'll gladly accept. He mostly wins.

- One time, you met King Richard thanks to Robin. It was when they were almost kidnapped on their little stroll. You were on your way to the den to spend some time over there, not knowing Robin already had other plans. You saw him walk together with Prince John and a passed out King Richard as he asked you to accompany them. You basically had a normal conversation as prince John was getting annoyed at your presence as a couple. When King Richard came by, Robin introduced you as his partner and you quickly came in a conversation with the King. Before you both left the castle, he said you both were a lovely couple and hoped a great future for you two. That made the both of you blush a lot.

- So all in all: he's a teasing boyfriend who cares and is very protective about you and wouldn't skip a beat to make you happy when you're down.

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