P7- Eavesdrop gathering

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Last chapter:

He decided that he wasn't needed in this room anymore and looked around the room once again to see an exit for himself. He knew that almost every guard was guarding the door right now with Prince John being in this room. So he had to find another way. Maybe there was a secret passageway in here as well.

Robin was about to look around the room again as his eyes widened at eyeing something that made him shiver slightly.

The bed of Prince John was empty.

Covers were thrown off the bed as a single bloody bandage lay on the pillow. Robin had a feeling that something bad was about to happen.

After all, no one wants to be in a room with someone whose head you bashed into twice!




Robin's breathing started to hasten as he took a step back into the desk. He knew he had to stay calm, but how could he if the prince was less than a foot away from him out of sight?! He could attack any moment and Robin had nothing to defend himself with! No, that's not right. He still had the dagger the prince stuck into his hand some time ago.

Robin let his hand hover above the bag the dagger was in, ready to grasp for it any moment.


Robin nearly jumped as Tom's voice was heard louder than ever, although it was said in a whispery tone.

"What is it?" Robin whispered under his breath, almost inaudible to himself as he kept eyeing the back of the bed, the only place the prince could be hiding now. Paranoia was taking over him already.

"How insane I might sound to you right now. I think you're clear." Tom started as Robin shook his head with a bewildered look on his face. He didn't believe it one bit.

"No way. He wouldn't let go of a person who knocked him out just now. He's certainly looking for revenge," Robin whispered again.

"But listen...." Robin did as he was told. He listened in the silence. No breaths or shuffling was heard but his own. Was he really alone? Where did the prince even go then?

Robin gulped as he took the dagger out of his bag, holding it steady as he took slow and steady steps toward the other side of the bed. He took a silent breather before jumping from his side to the other, dagger ready to strike, only to be met with nothing.

"What?" Robin muttered to himself. With strangely no hesitation, Robin looked under the bed, seeing nothing there either. Robin walked quietly around the room while peeking through the few hiding spots there possibly were, only to see no one.

"Perhaps the prince sneaked out of the room while you were nursing yourself? Your full attention was on your hand. The sound of the guards outside is no more either. Like they left their spot." Tom noted as Robin listened to him.

He decided with the given free time to check out the drawers he hadn't checked. Not much was found but some over date looking medicine and some torn cloth.

Robin put his dagger away as he put his head against the door. Nothing. No sounds, no whispers, no footsteps, nothing. Robin sucked in a breath as he opened the door to a creek, eyes wandering each side of the door in case he was wrong. Nothing.

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