Prince John x Dragon!Reader -REQUEST-

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Hey, I finally found inspiration and motivation for this request. Hope ya like it ;)

I was honestly very insecure about how to do this request as it is one I never expected to receive, but hopefully, I did the request justice. Tho there are certain changes than the requester wanted for reasons. (aka I found out I completely read over a whole sentence that included a big part of Reader's development and couldn't change it because that would mean 2k words would be thrown away which I am NOT in the mood for)

But I hope that doesn't bring the story too much down for the requester :))))

This request was made by: Oni-cheese5

This- this oneshot is more a short story at this point so- uh...oops. Hopefully, the story length won't wear you down.

This oneshot is basically a whole ass story I even had to cut parts out to keep it under 20k words lmao.


Date of original release: February 2024


Title: The Unexpected Friendship.

Genre: Fluff, Action, Comedy.


Centuries ago, the last few dragons present in Nottingham were forced into hiding, never being seen again by humanity's eye.

That is until a lost prince finds himself in a deep cave filled with treasures and two, big red eyes observing him from the dark.


---I'd appreciate a comment and vote for more continuations of my stories if you like them. Thanks!---

Warning: This Reader is a dragon. It will be fully platonic for obvious reasons. The story is in 3rd POV.

The Reader is Gender Neutral. (Gender never revealed in request)

17,6k+ Words


Centuries ago, dragons lived on these beautiful lands, filling the sky with their scaled wings flapping around to carry their weight, their powerful roars being heard in the distance as they called upon their close ones, and assembling to most astounding and glistening things for their dens decorations to show their worth and achievements to their fellow specimen.

But humanity started evolving and intruded on the dragons' peace. Taking away their territories, destroying their dens to build castles and villages on, their precious collections that had taken decades to assemble being stolen and melted together to make wall décor and other useless things for the rich. And at last, their freedom, and lives.

The once peaceful and admired dragons got written down in history as notorious beasts who would burn anything down to ashes in sight. Who eat humans as a snack, and try conquering towers and castles to claim their territory. They even say that whoever finds and kills a dragon, will be the most brave man mankind will ever know, and will be enrichened for his glorious achievement by the ruler of the country.

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