One Last Day- Taylor

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Taylor's POV:

The bell for lunch had screeched through the school and the crowd was breaking out into the corridors I stared at my twin,Tara, and grinned as we rushed out of Math.

The crowd in the hall built up and I was shoved into a few other people's backs or bag packs. A cluster of conversations ring in my ear and the hall was full of bustling voices of different pitches and attitudes.
"I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!" Yells Tara directly into my ear.
I clutch my ear and make a gesture to her to show she's almost deafened me, again! She catches on quickly and mouths an apology with humour. I roll my eyes at her and open my mouth to reply yet someone suddenly blocks my voice and speaks out instead.
"ALRIGHT, EVERYONE MOVE ALONG!" Shouts a teacher a bit further back in the queue.
I begin to hear the shuffling of voices and the bundle of students begin to stumble out of the Math Department door.

Eventually I feel a pang of fresh air hit my face and the sun beams warmly over me. Tara and I squint and try to find each others face through the blinding sunlight and laugh.
"Wow what was that?" I ask almost too quietly.
Yet my twin picks up on my speech and replies "It was that...that was that!"
I stare at her with a puzzled look on my face and question my relation to someone who looked so alike me but had such a different attitude.
"Sometimes I wonder how I'm related to you!" I joke playfully.
"Tay, we have the exact same DNA there's no questioning our relation especially since she both have the same blonde hair and height and eyes... Oh my god seriously Taylor!" She finally realised me giggling at her comment and we walk down to the canteen together without another joke or remark. I think that was about it for today.

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