The Historys Future- Natalia

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The crowd around me were roaring with buzz. No one cared. Why would they? Nothing affected their feeling, their happiness, their friends. They had PE together, they had lessons together...on whole all we could do was sneak out. We had to be rebellious enough to escape. And escaping was effort and could put our friendship into more jeopardy.

With all these thoughts tumbling inside my head I didn't realise that i was blocking the doorway of History class.
"Move!" Someone yells behind me whilst another one shoves me in.
I stumble into class and people stare at me. Some people whisper to their partners and look at me. I guess it was about the earlier events.

I shrug it off and shuffle to the board where our seating plan is plastered. I look around for my name just hoping I wouldn't sit next to a freak. Then I see me name is black italics. Then I see who I'm sitting next to...Cory...fair enough.

I turn to go to my seat but before I could lift a toe off the ground a voice pops up behind me.
I turn around and see a rather young-ish teacher behind me. Her hair was ginger, quite like Alicia's, and her blue eyes sparkled at me. But how did she know I was Natalia?
"Yes?" I let out of my voice box involuntarily.
"Can you come outside for me a moment?" She asks even though she was practically telling me.

I begin to stroll outside but before I do I see her grab some papers on her desks...what was this?
Before she could see me stop, I quickly waltz on outside. For some reason o had a jittery feeling inside me and whatever reason it was I liked it.

For a few seconds I stand leaning against the wall but eventually she shows up herself with a grin on her face.
"So Natalia..." Her voice fades for a moment.
I peer around only to realise that a few teachers were passing by.
"...First of all can you text your 6 friends to come right here...right now?!" She questions eagerly.
I nod and whip out my phone. I send a few texts and look at her.

"Done?" She asks and I nod.
Then we stay quiet for a moment. Somehow I knew it wouldn't just be about me because it usually includes all 7 of was how it always went.

But sooner or later everyone began to pile in. First Eliza showed up shuffling her way over. Slowly followed by Jessica, Tara and Taylor. Five out of Seven. And somehow I could tell Alicia would be last. I wasn't wrong either. Emelia stumbles through the door but joins with us.
And then we wait for our ginger to arrive. But then I realise...Geography.
"Erm Miss she has Geography..." Emelia mentions stealing my ideas from my head.
"Don't worry she'll be here." Miss reassures.

And Miss wasn't wrong. Alicia shows up gasping like she always does and, after composing herself, she walks casually in.
"Hey." She says quickly whilst strolling over to us.
I see Alicia open her mouth for a new sentence but she looks around and exhales as if the question had been let out of her like a balloon.
"Miss...why are we here?" Taylor finally asks.
The rest of us stare at her eager for answers but she turns back to the History class.
"Meet me here at lunch...all of you, tell your tutors Miss Helson wants to see you!" She replies in a rush.
She turns round and dashes into class. She opens the door and urges me in. I turn around and wave the others away...there was no rules about phones anymore so who could prevent me from texting.

I take my place next to Cory and he stares at me. I take out my phone and peer around only to see his enlarged eyes staring at my phone.
"For gods sake Cory take some risks!" I moan staring back.
He turns back to his work.
For a while we sit there in silence before he turns to me again.
"What did Miss want?"
"Nothing really." I lie.
"You're lying!"
"No I'm not!" Another lie.
"Aren't I one of you guys? You can tell me anything!" He exclaims.

I feel heat building inside of me. No he wasn't one of us. We were a circle and he was a part of Ali's dreaded past. He's related to the enemy and I don't trust him.
"No you're not one of us!" I burst out.
I see his face turn pale.
"The others may trust you but I don't see why they're the Principals son...!" I scream with anger.

The room falls silent. I peer around and see 30 pairs of eyes staring at me. I bite my bottom lip and cringe to myself. Well done Natalia...

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