What I Saw - Oscar

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A/N yep so here it is Oscars POV I thought about doing this for ages but I guess I hadn't got the ideas! Here you go ;)
At the back of the class I saw her. She sat there staring angrily at Miss. That look showed that she was planning something or thinking something that she wish she could take on board. I was tempted to go over and ask if she was okay but I could tell by the tears flooding in her eyes that she didn't need any attention drawn to her especially from me.

I look back at Miss and try to concentrate on the new guidelines but Alicia's face was building in my thoughts. The fact that she'd been removed from Natalia I knew the Principal had been planning it. Yet then she stands up. I see from the corner of my eye the thin figure standing up and slamming her fists against the table!
"Bitch!" She screams staring at Miss directly.
"I beg your pardon?!" Miss Lion shouts back.
"I said bitch!"
"I'm quite aware!"
"Well then why did you ask for me to repeat it?"
"THATS ENOUGH!" Miss Lion barks making Alicia sit down on her seat instantly.

For a while she sits there and stares down at the floor. I can't tell what her emotions are but they're not positive I can feel it. I continuously stare at her for a change in movement but she stays still and doesn't stay a word. Eventually I see her change position and she puts her chin onto her palms. Her emerald eyes peer around eagerly and occasionally she stares at the door. I know what she's thinking. She's thought it every time she was in the Geography classroom I understood it. Miss drove her so crazy that she wanted to get up and leave! But if she did now the Principal would say something and it was clear Miss was close with him...maybe too close.

Our timetables finally come around and I stare at mine. I see barely anything has changed but the times of Science ,English and Math had changed...no big deal for me. Everyone else in the class seems casual about there's too but that's until of course my eyes hit Alicia's.

She's mumbling something to herself and I see a tear stream down her left cheek...what was going on with her? She was never this rebellious! Had something finally snapped? I get up and make my way over to her. A few eyes stare at me including Miss Lions but I ignore their astonishment and move quietly on.

Slowly I sit myself next to her watch her cry up close for a moment.
"What?" She asks wit attitude.
"Are you okay?" I ask her playing a bit of Q&A like we used to.
She shakes her head and cups her hands over her face. I hear the quietest sobs come out of mouth as she try's to compose herself.
"I'm sorry..."she groans wiping away her tears.
"No problem." I reply reassuringly.
"Miss is just being such a cunt!" She whispers trying hard not to laugh.
"I understand." And I do I get her pain every part of it.
"Okay then..." She says as her smile slowly fades.
I watch her get up, grab her bag and walk out.

Miss' head perks up and she soon follows. I look through the window and watch the story unfold. I see Alicia's lips shape the words of swearing and Miss Lion reacting over dramatically trying to make Ali jealous. I continue to watch until I see Miss mouth my name. Was I her weapon? I squint as if I've felt throbbing pain that Ali may be feeling and I stand up and slam the door behind me.

I walk out into the scene of the sweet innocent girl I used to know whose trying not to cry with pain. The smug look on the teachers face makes me want to vomit. I stare hard at Miss until she stares back telling me to go inside. I send messages back telling her to get lost because really she's an evil cow. I know I'm not wrong!! She hurt Ali and only a bitch would do that....I don't know what the school had come to but it had something to do with Ali's circle and I didn't like it. All seven were in danger...but how and why!?

Alicia picks up her handbag and casually strolls off trying not to drag the attention she already has onto her. I sling my backpack over my back and follow her.
"Oscar, don't you dare!" Miss Lion demands through grit teeth.
I carry on walking until i sprint out of the Geography department laughing hysterically.

Once outside I stand there and take in the cold air of the morning. I walk on taking deep breaths and just trying to think of something to say to Alicia...if I could find her? I continue walking until I've tried everywhere but the field. I didn't expect her to step foot on the field since what had happened that morning but the sudden sight of curly ginger hair that was caught in the wind, gave away her cover immediately...now all I had to do was approach her!

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