Outside Hell- Eliza

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We met directly outside the gate where we were supposed to meet that morning. We stared at each other and began to read each others minds. Something was definitely wrong but we didn't know what it had to do with us. We were all split up for a reason and we expected our friendship was a threat to the Principal. We didn't know how or why or what or anything else relevant but we wanted to find out. Because if we did we could use it. Use it against the people separating us and finally be one again.

"But why our talents?" Tara questions infuriated.
"Maybe he's jealous!" Exclaims Alicia idiotically.
"Ali, please shut up!" Emelia begs tiredly.
Alicia rolls her eyes in a comedy form and then stays silent.

We reach the nearby park and dash to the swings and the nearby seating. I plonk myself in a bench and Jessica joins whilst we watch the others awkwardly fight over the swings. Eventually Tara and Natalia come over showing that they couldn't be bothered to fight any longer. For a while longer Taylor, Emelia and Alicia bicker immaturely over the swings until, finally, Emelia gives up and thuds into the floor.
"Wow they're good!" Emelia gasps pointing at the two supposed teenagers childishly playing on the swings.

"So..." I perk up suddenly, bringing the attention to myself.
"Alicia, you know him better than anyone, tell us about him." Tara continues intriguingly.
We see her face go pale and she swallows. We've touched a sensitive subject and Tara should have put it slightly better.
"Well, erm..." She pauses and bites her lip until it turns as white as her face.
"You don't have to-" I begin before getting interrupted.
"No it's fine!" She insures smiling weakly.

So we sit and listen. We hear about the strange evenings where she was locked in her room without food or water and how, when her dad came to visit from Afghanistan, Principal Levre shoved him out the door and told him never to return. She explained the explicit painful screams from her mother and she felt helpless because she was locked up alone. And then as she went through day by day we see her expression fall and she looks blank. But when Alicia finally hits the day she felt his cold hand slap around her face, her eyes crunch up like she's almost going to cry. However, she carries on until she's explained everything and why he left. He left because he was arrested!

"And now he's a school teacher!?" Jessica exclaims astonishingly.
Alicia nods and stays quiet for a moment.
"Isn't that illegal?!?" Taylor gaps dramatically.
"No one knows him...he's not actually called Mr Levre!" Alicia says timidly.
We stare at her egging her to go on.
"He's called Anthony Virgo!" She announces with anger.

And then we all sit there. Silently. We say nothing and the sound that is made is the chirping birds or the whistling wind blowing casually into our faces. For a while things remain quiet. But as soon as a voice is carried through the win, we bounce up and begin to peer around.

Alicia and Emelia stand up and run for the gate nearby the field. One glance and their expressions had automatically changed. Someone we knew was nearby. They dash back panting and pull some of us up. I'm dragged by Emelia behind the tree and the others join behind another one beside.

"Who is it?" Natalia questions curiously.
"We were just talking about them..." Emelia begins.
Our eyes enlarged and for a moment I feel my heart stop.
"And not only him!" Alicia adds angrily.
"Miss Lion?" I ask.
Emelia and Alicia nod and we all stay behind the trees until the voices come nearer.

"We have to keep them apart." A female says.

"Does she mean us?" Tara asks.
Alicia nods suggesting that it probably was.

"Ever since I saw her bright green eyes that first day I knew she'd be trouble. The little-"
The wind cuts off any sound of the male voice we just heard.

But 'the little' what? What was this green eyed girl? I stare at Alicia's eyes only to realise it was her! And her eyes had something to do with us.
By now everyone had caught on and we were nodding at each other.

"They all are..." The female voice perks our ears up.

We all are...we all were something. And that something obviously wasn't nothing. It was the reason we weren't together...and we were a lot closer now to finding out since the Principal had no common sense.
Why show up to the park? Why show up to our park?!
"Idiot!" We mutter together and giggle slightly.

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