Can't Blame Me- Eliza

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I sigh. It's 5am, an hour and a half until my alarm goes off for school. Or what would be left of school by the time we'd all finished what we planned. The thought of watching the school which had filled me up with so much hatred made me smile so much that it made my cheeks hurt.

Yet at the same time I'm panicking at the fact so many precious lives could be lost. One of our main goals is to of course overthrow the so called leaders 'Principle Levre and Miss Lion' even if meant that death would do us part, but I couldn't harm another soul. The students, even if they are unaware of my existence are part of my life. They've put me through hell or helped me out of it. Both situations have made a me a stronger person and although I don't talk, i can observe. I can provide my opinions to whom may ask without hesitation. I'm stronger now even if others can't see it.

As the time ticks past I try to preoccupy myself with drawing and watching videos on my laptop yet the frustration of the slow moving time caused me to get distracted easily. By 5:45am I could consider myself wide awake and finally leave the warmth of my bed.

The floorboards are cold and nip at my feet as i tiptoe to the bathroom. I stare into the mirror and look at myself.
My hair is frizzy but there's nothing hair straighteners can't  do to restrain the frizz. I grab my brush to start off with and gradually brush my hair into a more representable state. I sort my side fringe out until I can confirm it doesn't look like a massive clump but before change my mind the sudden rush of different hairstyles I could experiment on cloud up in my brain. I had plea my of time as well. I grin and grab my brush.

I split my hair into three sections and begin to brain my hair. After a while my arms begin to ache yet I fight through the pain until I could manage to pull my hair over my shoulder and continue braiding. I assured myself that the braids were right and then place the hair band on the end of my braid. A side plait of brown hair was now resting on my shoulder. I run my hand down my plait and feel the bumps get thinner as I go down the braid. I smile with satisfaction and move onto my face.

I grab my flannel and run it under the cold tap so I could awaken myself and try and prevent myself from showing people what a sleepless night I had experienced. I rub the flannel over my face a feel the cold water run down my faces. The cool water feels lush and I feel wide awake even if it was creeping towards the early minutes of 6am. I grin again.

I return back to my bedroom and stare at my ready-pressed school uniform and begin to slip it onto me. I stare into the full length mirror at the end of my room and brush out any missed creases. I feel smart and sophisticated.
Still looking in the mirror I hear the faint vibrate of my phone against my bedside counter. It makes me jump but I walk towards it and look at my message.

It was an unknown number. I stop and gawp at the text I had received:

We know your your back.

It read.

I cover my mouth and try not to scream knowing that my parents were still sound asleep in the other room.

Who has messaged me? Why? Who had told them what we'd be planning. Yet the realisation of it all had hit me.

I saw him. And the glimpse of evil he gave me. He always had the look but this time it was worse. Every corner of turn he'd be there. Eavesdropping. I could see him from the corner of my eye smirking. He knew. He'd been spying. He was sly to everyone but those games  are way too noticeable to one who plays them herself.

He wouldn't do this. He couldn't do this.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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