The Face Of It All - Alicia

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Alicia's POV

The speakers screech leaving and awkward ache in my ears. My heart was already aching from every piece that shattered in my heart when Oscar walked up to me and now I'm in a more agonising pain. None of my best friends were there either. They'd been split from me and it was definitely a purposeful act. I was infuriated.

"Excuse me!!! Eyes this way please." A voice booms.
My head jerks towards a podium at the left of the field. I only stare at the smooth wood of the podium because if the face had anything to do with whatever was going on I couldn't have it stuck in my head.
"I am your new Principal, Principal Levere!" Speaks the voice again.
I bite my bottom lip and try to stay focused on the podium.
"Don't look up, then you won't recognise the face!" I whisper to myself.

Around me I hear mumbling and swearing. Everyone's angry...shouldn't I be too? Yet instead I feel nothing. I feel empty and u don't want to fight with myself. Everyone's angry and I'm upset. I'm upset and broken because I'm stuck with a boy who used to be my everything and my friends aren't there with me. I was emotions were playing with they always did!

The voice clears his throat and begins to speak again.
"Excuse me Miss...I said all eyes on me." He says to someone I'm quite unsure of.
But eventually that someone isn't just someone...I was 'someone' I was 'Miss'!
I feel a thousand eyes pierce through my skin, even though I can't tell no one is looking at me because I'm staring at the grass. My eyes begin to flood with tears but I blink them back encouraging myself to look up.
One glance...just one!

I involuntarily begin to lift my head. I keep my eyes squeezed shut for a few moment before the encouragement starts again.
Your future depends on it
I was right too. If I gave the wrong impression things would become even worse. And the worse thing is to let my new Principal hate me...well everyone else's new Principal. His face wasn't new to me.

I glare into his eyes and they enlarge. He's seen my face now and there was no going back.
"Your tutors can explain everything else!" He blurts out nervously.
"Everyone can go...but YOU!" He declares pointing his finger at my face.

Everyone walks past me and a few faces in the crowd stare at me with confusion. I shudder...this attention was new and lacked encouragement. Was my status going to crash down even lower because the Principal recognises every feature of me? I squeeze my own arm to shift the pain from my mind to my arm. For a moment I felt better.

I felt better until the word You comes spitting out his mouth. Until he marches over and stares at me with fury in his eyes.
"You!" He says again even angrier.
"Me!" I reply smartly smirking slightly as I say it.
"I don't know how you thought things went before but they go my way now!" He commands strictly.
Behind him I hear a laugh. It was a teacher...the teacher! My Geography teacher!
"And I don't know what you're playing at but if it's something to do with that evil bitch then you're not playing very well!" I exclaim pointing at the smirking teacher behind him.
He squeezes his lips together until they go pale and I wait for a decent reply.
"Don't swear at me Green!" He demands searching for respect.
"I'm sorry but I thought that cow would've told you." I snap back testing his limits.
"Told me what Alicia?" He slyly speaks with a hint of curiosity in his tone.
"That only the people I respect I will obey!"
"We'll have to work on your tactics then won't we Green?"
"Only the people I respect are allowed to meddle with me!"
"Well you must have respected Mr Cameron very well then!"

He had caught me off guard. His weapon was Oscar. He knew somehow that he'd be the reason for my failure.
"Indeed he did!" I say shakily.
He nods at me at grins showing his shining white teeth. They made me sick!
"Nice try Alicia...not this time though."
"My moment will be my moment...maybe not this moment but when I get it you will hurt!" I scream back at him trying eagerly to annoy him.
"Get to your tutor you playful little twat!" He yells at me whilst pointing at someone I'd never expect to ever have as a tutor.

The smirking grey hair lady behind him. The lady I willingly wanted to pour boiling water over and watch melt. The witch known as my Geography teacher was now my tutor...the face of my living nightmare was now the face of my tutor....and that had to change!

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