Hiding at home- Emelia

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I sigh. What the hell was going on? Everything seemed as it would be okay from the next day onwards yet already everything was tumbling to the ground.
Our plan seemed perfect! Yet other things had to bring it down. Or at least or attitudes.

I look at Alicia.

She's on the swing swaying side to side whilst Oscar sits on the one next to her. Taylor and Tara stand on either side of the swings stand. Whilst the rest of us sit either on the bench or the grass.

"You okay?" I finally speak up breaking the silence.

Everyone looks up from staring at the ground and look at Ali.

She gives a faint smile and says nothing. She pulls her hoodie sleeves over her hands and grips the ends. Oscar puts one of hims arms round Alicia but she makes no movement after that she just stares blankly at the floor.

I guess there were perks to our perfect plan. Especially since we didn't know who would pop up and turn our perfectness into Fourth Of July fireworks and blow it all up.

"This is stupid..." Eliza exclaims. "Why are we acting like this...no ones lost yet!"

We all look up and stare at her with wide eyes.

"Cameron knows something or has part of this, of course we've lost!" Jessica replies.

"No guys...maybe Eliza's right." I respond taking Eliza's side almost instantly.

"But..." Alicia starts.

"No buts...!" Oscar interrupts standing up from the swing.

"Sit down you aren't part of this!" Natalia laughs.

"No...now I am!" He laughs back but it was almost sarcastic.




"Guys shut up!" Tara exclaims.

"Or at least stop flirting!" Taylor adds.

Big mistake.

Alicia bites her lip and blinks back the tears. I stare at Taylor and her eyes look apologetic for a moment but before she could speak up Alicia perks up. I sigh quietly.

"So are you guys in or what?" I ask incredibly quickly to change the subject.

They look at each other for a moment and give each other some curious looks. They both grin for a moment then scowl and their facial expressions go all over the place. I try not to laugh. Finally they both turn their heads with big grins and then nod together.

7 gone one to go...! 7 was now 8.

Oscar slides off his swing and crouches by Alicia.
"Alicia...?" His voice drifts off.

Ali stares into his eyes and I can almost read her thoughts. She seems head over heels but at the same time she's trying to contain herself. I see her hold her breath for a moment before she sighs. She gives a weak smile then nods.

I look at the others and I notice them grinning at each other. Nothing feels right though. Everyone is happy so shouldn't I be? I stand up.

"Em?" Alicia perks up at my simple movement.

"I-I-I've got to go." I stutter.

I turn around before anyone else can say anything and run down to the nearest gate. Somehow I feel almost dizzy and my throat feels sore and heavy. I feel my eyes begin to swell and I know something was definitely wrong. I feel something stream down my cheek and I immediate wipe it away.

I can't cry. Not now. Not ever.

"EMELIA!" I hear a voice yell behind me but I refuse to turn back.

I know perfectly well who it is but no one could prevent me from going.

So I run.

I run across the cricket field until I reach the Gate. Instead of opening it I jump over and begin running again. I run and run even though I begin to feel tired and breathless.

After another few minutes I stop and lean against the wall next to me. I take in a few breaths and try to gain my energy back. Yet it was no use everything still felt unless and blurry to me.

Yet despite it all I stand up and begin to run again. It took me another 5 minutes until I reached the familiar building of which I called my home.

I stepped up onto the doorstep and searched around my pockets to find my keys. My hands shake uneasily as I lift them out my pocket and go to the lock. I focus and manage to put a key into the slot. I turn it. But just my luck it's the wrong key. I attempt to pull the key out but it remains stuck. I ring the bell in the hope of someone being home and slide down the door.

Another stream of tears fall down my cheeks. Finally I felt something...but I never said it was good.

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