One Last Day- Natalia

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Natalia's POV

I walk arm in arm with Alicia whilst we stroll over to our area with tired looks in our eyes. Science wasn't an easy subject and we both knew it. Yet despite all tiredness Ali was still her bouncy energetic self. All of a sudden she dashes forward dragging me along and her flowing ginger hair gets caught in the wind. She was such an amazing best friend and I adored her for being herself.

Eventually we hit the grounds of our area and the sun hits down on it like a spotlight. A perfect lunchtime! Three pairs of eyes flare up on us and gleam with excitement. It was Emelia, Eliza and Jessica. They all smile with their individual unique grins and Alicia and I tumble onto the ground to start shaping our circle.

Five. Five out of seven. Two more to go and we'd all be next to each other, laughing and messing about for no apparent reason. We were protective of our circle and we usually only invited ourselves to sit down yet occasional times people,like Alicia's friends from her old school, join for entertainment or a general catchup.

"Science was a bore!" Alicia moans painfully whilst smashing her head playfully against her rucksack.
"I like Science!" Emelia whines with joy.
"Well of course you do you're clever!" Alicia replies with a snappy complement.
Eliza smirks and looks at Jessica.
"What!" Alicia questions giggling also.
"Stop putting yourself down." Jessica exclaims with annoyance.
Alicia rolls her eyes and sniggers to herself before giving in. She looks down on the floor and the rest of us stare at each other and nod with pride. Mission complete.
"I know what you're doing." Alicia says through fake grit teeth. She raises her head and sticks her tongue out at us.
"Ay keep that tongue in your mouth!" Yells a boy under the nearby canopy.
Alicia stands up and walks over to the boy casually.
"What's Ali doing?" Tara and Taylor say simultaneously whilst strolling in clutching two panini's each.
But instead of replying we watch.

He smiles at her and nods a bit.
"Sup'?" He questions staring her quite laid back in the eyes.
"Hey there!" She replies a little bit too nicely.

We all jerk our heads and realise we all have the same expression. Six out of seven glistening pairs of eyes are enlarged staring at another five.
"This again?" Emelia whispers with curiosity.
The rest of us nod with nervousness.

"Soooo," the boy begins stretching out one of his arms.
I see Tara smirk.
"So what!?" Alicia snaps back with attitude.
I bite my tongue trying hard not to burst out with laughter.
"Hey girl we're all friends here-"
"NO, no where are not...get your flirty little face out of here and get your head out of your ass!" Alicia interrupts clenching her fist.
The boy steps backwards and trips on his heel.

Alicia flicks her fiery red hair and struts down back to us laughing uncontrollably. We're stunned but still we find humour inside of us to laugh too. Soon enough some of us have tears pooling down our cheeks because we've laughed so much. We all take in the fresh air and continue laughing until our stomachs hurt. We all take deep breaths and inhale the breeze before we finally calm down and are back to our senses.
"Just to let you know," Alicia starts whilst biting her bottom lip. "That was kind of Oscars brother..."
And then we nod because we get it. Oscar smashed her heart and she got her own back through family. And then it starts again...we laugh! And we don't stop until the bell buzzes in our ears and all we expect is for tomorrow to be another day and another laugh. We didn't know what was approaching.

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