A Feild With News- Tara

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Tara's POV

I stood gripping Taylor's hand. I couldn't lose my twin sister because she was all I had right now. We'd waited by the gate from 8:20 only to realise the school was almost empty. It was silent and we both knew something was up. It wasn't too soon before a man in an army uniform dragged us up into the upstairs of ICT where the majority of our year and the year above was. When the bell had rang we were commanded to go onto the hockey field so we could be assigned to new classes and tutors...and that's why we stood there.

Emelia's name was the first to be called out and she was in a tutor with another a girl, Charlie, which she didn't like then another few girls we didn't know. The rest were boys.

Alicia was split away from us also and was stuck with mostly boys. We looked through the crowd of her new tutor trying to recognise a face that she may get along with but most of them used to be in the other side of the year to us so the faces were fresh. Yet a pang of guilt throbs inside me as soon as I lay my eyes on Oscars spiked brown hair. His eyes widen as soon as he sets eyes on Alicia and I grit my teeth.
"Stay calm Alicia!" I encourage quietly although I know she can't hear me.
He taps her gently on the shoulder and waves slightly. Taylor rolls her eyes. We watch as slowly the scene we expected to see happens and bit by bit Alicia's facial expressions turn angry to upset. We can tell she is choked up and she is struggling to talk, I wanted to help her. I needed to.

I start to stroll down the field before Taylor catches my wrist and shakes her head. She doesn't want me to go but I shake her grip off of me and stroll on eagerly. I begin running so I can reach Alicia and save her from a dilemma she didn't want to deal with before everything had settled down. I run faster. All the thoughts whirl inside my head before I realise how Alicia had really been feeling...she'd been torn to pieces by someone she loved but couldn't go out with. She'd been torn because she had so many emotions and no words to describe them. I finally understood her feelings and- THUD- and now her pain...more than I wanted to.

My shoulders are gripped down by a guard who escorts me back over to Taylor and now Natalia who's panting with exhaustion. A guard has found her now too.
"Take Miss Natalia over there!" Orders the guard to Natalia's whilst pointing to a corner of the field.
The other guard nods and drags Natalia begging and screaming down to the corner.

I stare at Taylor and grip her hand again. I was more confused then ever now. I was painfully confused by everything that had happened in only one hour. It was only 9:20 and I was already tired from the sight of school and this was a new one too.
"Taylor Ryan, 9RS." I hear the speaker boom. The grip I had on Taylor's hand loosens and eventually she lets go. She walks away and now I'm alone with the wind slapping against my face and playing around with my blonde frizzy hair.

I stand around and wait until my name is called. It's probably another half hour before I'm shuffling towards 9LD with a bunch of stubborn girls standing there twirling their hair and not giving a toss on what has happened. I stand there and begin to think about what I could've done if this weren't happening. I should've been in art doing a tie-dye project with Natalia and Taylor but instead I'm outside in the freezing cold struggling to understand what was going on in the world around me. What was Miami coming to?

"Do you like think they'll make us do Phys Ed?" One girl behind me blurts out to her friend.
I smirk to myself but obviously not as discreet as I'd hope for.
"What you laughing at, Hobit?" The girl intimidates me staring directly into my eyes with a piercing look.
"I'm not explaining myself to you." I exclaim and I turn away further into the crowd. I already disliked my tutor. There was no backing out though because i didn't apply to it. It was mandatory like English and Math. And I hated English.

No later than 10:15 everyone was organised into their new tutors. Jessica and Eliza were also split up. I was now a member of the left side with no one in my tutor to talk to. I was certain that I wouldn't even be in a lesson with the other six parts of me. I was the only member of my circle I'd be with...and I couldn't take it!

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