Everything Has Happened- Jessica

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A/N: Hey guys this is my first note but for the first time a new person for will be sharing their POV in the next chapter. Can anyone guess who it is? Anyway here's Jessica's POV!
I sat at the back of my tutor ignoring everything she said. So far I knew nothing and I wasn't interested either. If none of it had happened I would've been with Eliza talking to her about who knows what but instead I was alone. I was alone and something told me it was on purpose.

Everything continued to go on for a while before our new timetables were handed out. Mine was slammed onto the table by my tutor and she seemed almost against me...she definitely liked my timetable from the evil gleam in her eyes.

I skimmed my timetable and finally started looking for my favourite subject, art. I look on the days I used to have it, Wednesday and Friday, but they weren't there and were replaced by double English and Science. I begin skimming through the rest of my timetable looking for the three letter word that I longed for the most, yet nothing! It wasn't there!

I jump up infuriated by the sight and march towards my tutor!
"Okay where's art on my timetable?" I question angrily.
"I'm sorry Miss Williams but Art was purposely removed from your timetable!" She replies almost happy.
"What why!?" I exclaim sternly almost ready to punch her.
"Because what?!"
"Because Miss Williams, Mr Levere said so, if you have a problem you can talk to him-"

I heard no more I ran out of my tutor and stomped over to the Principals office. Once there I powerfully pound the door with my fist and scream for him to open up!
"Ah, Jessica how can I help you on this fine-"
I interrupted him.
"Fine morning? You munter why isn't Art on my Timetable?!"
"Jessica, Art is a distraction to you...so we've removed it!"
I stare blankly at me and open my mouth. I try to speak but no words come from my mouth. Art wasn't a distraction it was my life and I was certain there wasn't a thin line between a distraction and a life career.

I had a new hatred for this Principal. I thought everything was scary now but now there wasn't two hours dedicated to my future is entered hell. Was school really just what everyone hated? I found school a reason to have 2 hours of art two times a week to let go and just live. Now I'm not living....I was dead.

I turn around and storm out the door swearing inside my head.
"By the way sir," I start poking my head around the door "I hate what you've done to this school...I hate you!"
And I see his face redden and his expression grow more and more uncomfortable. It brought almost joy to my mind. I couldn't breathe because his face looked so crumpled with hatred and anger that I knew he finally felt what I felt and he didn't like it.

I turn away and flick my short hair for effect but then he stops me grabbing my wrist.
"Get off my arm!" I complain yanking it from his grip.
"I'll see you in Detention after school!" He declares whilst his eyes shows a new joy.
I roll my eyes and let out a small laugh to try and not show an annoyance on punishing me gives him joy.
"What's so funny?" He says staring hard into my eyes.
"Intimidating me won't get you anywhere!" I reply eagerly.
"I will ask again: what's so funny?"
"You think I will actually show up...Art didn't show up on my timetable so I won't show up to your petty little detentions!"

This time I straight out laughing. I laugh until I'm finally out of the offices and I begin to cry. I felt almost broken from the moment art wasn't on my timetable. And now i was because of an invasion of the school I was so fond of! I sit on a nearby bench and hold my knees to my chin I sob for a bit until a voice behind me speaks up.
"Are you okay?" It asks.
I jump and turn around to see the familiar sight of the spiked brown hair...the hair that belonged to who we hated.
"What do you want?" I say sniffling and wiping my eyes.
"I want to know if you're okay!" He replies.
"Oscar, I don't want to talk to you, you broke Ali!" I snap trying to act tough and strict.
"I didn't mean to she's my best friend and I-"
I roll my eyes then stop him.
"Oscar, just no, stop and go away!" I demand pointing over to Science.
He nods and waves then walks in the opposite direction. I grit my teeth and watch him walk off. Then I go back into my ball and cry until I couldnt anymore. And every time I stopped and thought Art would suddenly appear and then I'd try to cry again. I felt ill and it was all because my favourite subject was considered as the thing bringing me down. Yet really was it? I believed it to rise me above the clues so I could fly with the birds...Principal Levre was wrong and he knew it!

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