The Unexpected- Natalia

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Natalia's POV

The lunch bell went and I attempted to dash out Ethics as soon as possible. They can get rid of Textiles but not Ethics...okay then. Yet instead of being allowed straight out of class we were all escorted by our Ethics teacher. I stay at the back trying to remain unnoticed but people seem to have their attention on my and I didn't know why.

We continued down onto the field once more and I stood there peering out for the others.
"Please get into your tutor lines!" My ethics teacher commanded and then left.
Everyone did as they were told but o stood there stranded in the field feeling like a big weight had been dropped on me. Tutor lines? Did have to eat with our tutors?

Sooner or later I shuffled over to my tutor with my head down. A million questions were still flowing through my head the last thing I was yet people to see was me mouthing words to myself. I already seemed like a fool from everyone staring at me in the previous lesson.
"Excuse me!" Booms a voice from the podium.
I groan quietly when I realise that it was another announcement from Principal Levre. Several other groans fill the field and I smirk. I wasn't the only one who disliked him.

"I'm informing you that from now on you will be eating in your tutor rooms. You may not visit any other tutor or acres any other part of the school except the toilets with your tutors permission!"
The announcement silent a the field and then several students begin to mutter swear words underneath their breaths.
Now I knew that he was purposely doing this. Maybe he was trying to keep everyone apart.
"Please could Alicia Green stay behind after this meeting."
I choke on my breath as the announcement is let out his mouth. I see everyone look a certain direction and my eyes follow. They were all staring at Ali.
I bite my tongue so I don't scream at her a direct her over to me. I watch her walk over.

Whilst she's walking I see her limping. My eyes large at the sight and I feel almost worried for her. My eye catches Taylor's and I begin a mouthing conversation with her.
"What's going on?" She asks with her mouth shaping the words nicely.
I shrug and end the conversation.
Later I see Jessica looking at me trying to grab my attention and the same conversation carries on.
"Natalia Hart!" My name is screeched through the speakers.
I jump with fright and suddenly I'm paralysed with fear.
I stare directly at the podium biting my lip with strength. I feel my tooth dig in and my lip cuts from the force. I look at the Principal and gesture for him to continue with his scolding, although I already knew what I was in trouble for.
"I will not have you talking over me." He scolds strictly.
"She wasn't talking over you no one could hear her!" Yells a voice and I turn to it.

Emelia. I smirk at the Principal and watch his face redden.
"Maybe you shouldn't have your own conversations when you should be listening!" Shouts Levre angrily.
"And maybe YOU shouldn't take everything out on us!" Eliza points out.
"I'm not!" He smugly replies.
"All you've done is criticise us seven since we got here." Yells Taylor scolding the teacher back.

We all step onto the middle of the field and join together in our circle.
"Get away from each other!" He commands pulling Alicia from the circle. We stand astonished as he shoves each one of us in different directions. Tara falls into the floor and looks up at the Principal.
"You cunt!" She exclaims whilst pulling herself to her feet.
"Go back to your tutors, except for you Alicia!" The Principal demands gripping onto Ali's wrist.
I stare at his grip and then everyone hears another yell.
"Let go of her!" The voice moans over the thudding footsteps.
Oscar reaches Alicia and the Principal and yanks his right hand of her.
Her wrist is now pale from the force of the grip but she ignores it.
Oscar wraps his arms around her and holds her close for a moment before she pulls away.
"Go ," she whispers "I'll be fine."

Everyone begins to leave the field but I stand there resistant to the orders id been given. The way he separated us all was suspicious. It was clear he'd split us all up for a reason but no one knew why. It was as if we were a threat when we were together. I was curious now and maybe he'd given a clue away. Now all I had to do was get it across to the others. But how? No one was allowed to leave their tutors...but then it hit me! My plan was in order belongs everyone could read their text messages.

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