01: My apologies

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"Y/n, are you ready?" you hear from the other side of the wall. "I'm just doing my hair. Give me a second." you reply, grabbing the hairbrush. "Ugh, hurry. We're meeting the girls at Trafalgar Square at 11."

Your roommate is always one for being on time. You glance at your wrist watch and roll your eyes. "Lee, we have 30 minutes. Trafalgar Square is only 15 minutes away." you tell her, looping your hair tie around your pony tail. "I don't care. Just hurry."

You exit the bathroom and grab your handbag. "Right, I'm ready." you tell her, straightening out your blouse. "You took your sweet time." Lee says as she reaches for the door knob. You roll your eyes and follow her out.

While you and Lee are walking, your phone vibrates. It was your ex girlfriend begging for you back. Lee looks at you and notices your troubled look. "Let me guess, Jordan texted you again?" she asks. "Yip. Just when I finally thought she had moved on." you tell her. She wraps her arm around your shoulder and hugs you. "She'll move on soon. Stay strong."

The walk to Trafalgar Square takes longer than both you and Lee anticipated, but you still manage to arrive before the others. After about 5 minutes of waiting, the others arrive. "Y/n, Lena, we're here." your friends call from the other side of the square. You and Lee get up and meet them in the middle.

"Should we walk to Westminster Bridge or get a cab?" Lee asks, checking the time. "Cab. I can't be bothered walking." you reply. Everyone agree's and you wave down a cab.

"Where to, ladies?" the cab driver asks. "Could you drop us off at Big Ben please?" you asks, buckling up. The cab driver nods and drives off.

Once the cab arrives at Big Ben, you pay the driver and exit the vehicle. "Let's walk from here to the Eye." Lee declares. "The Eye?" one of the girls asks. "The London Eye." you answer.

The que to get on the Eye is a good 20 minute wait. "Well, by the time we make it around it will be 12. Perfect time for lunch." Lee tells you all, glancing at her watch once again.

As you guys are just about to reach the top, the wheel stops abruptly. "What's going on?" one of the girls asks. You shrug your shoulders in response.

Suddenly, a raspy voice starts blaring on the speaker. "Sorry for the sudden stop everyone. It seems as if the control panel has stopped working. The electrician is on their way. The expected wait will be about 30 minutes." the voice informs.

You roll your eyes and slump into your seat. The wait is a bit longer than 30 minutes, but it's nothing you lot can't handle. You all passed the time by telling stories.

"So y/n, what happened between you and Jordan?" one girl asks. You look at her, your eyes glistening from small tears. "She cheated on me. She thinks that I'll go back to her." you tell them. "Will you?" another girl asks. "No, of course not." you project. "Who did she cheat on you with?" yet another girl asks. "Doesn't matter. We are over." you say, closing the conversation.

You sit in silence for the next 15 minutes as the wheel takes you all back to the ground. Once you step out of the cart, Lee suggests lunch at Cubana's; the restaurant where you two met.

You accept the proposal and make your way there. By the time the group of you arrive, it's 1pm. You take a seat and order your food. You lot spend about an hour there, then decide to leave.

"So, should we make our way back to Trafalgar Square?" Lee asks. Two of the girls had already left by this time, leaving four of you. "Yeah, alright. Sounds go-" You're cut off as someone brushes past you, a tad too close causing them to drop their bags. "My appologies." they say. You turn to look them. It was a woman; a beautiful blonde haired woman. She had a thick Russian accent. You bend down to help her with her bags, catching a better glimpse of her face.

"No, it's okay. I'm okay." you tell her as you pass her a bag. "Thank you." she says, staring into your eyes. You smile. "You're welcome." you reply. "Y/n Y/l/n, hurry up." Lee shouts, catching your attention. You turn back to the girls direction and hurry to catch up with them.

"She was stunning. Did you see her face?" you ask them. "We're not gay like you y/n. We don't take note of every feature a woman has." one of the girls tell you. You roll your eyes and continue walking.

Once you and Lena get back to your shared flat, you slump onto the couch. "What's on your mind?" Lee asks. "That girl I bumped into. I can't seem to stop thinking about her." you say, kicking off your shoes. "Hmm, really?" Lee asks, a smirk plastered on her lips. "Don't even start." you mutter. Lee laughs and walks into her room.

"Tomorrow, Eve wants us in the office early. Apprently something urgent has come up and she needs our help." Lee shouts. "Okay." you shout in reply.

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