02: Lee, it's her...

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At 9am, you and Lee arrive at the office. "Lena, Y/n, you guys are here. Good." Eve says, shitfing her eyes towards the pair of you. "We are. Is everything okay?" you ask her, placing your bag down.

"There have been three murders around the city in the past week. There have been a few witnesses and we have narrowed the suspects down to a few people." Carolyn tells, walking into the room. You and Lena look at eachother, shock plastered across your faces.

"Can we see the suspects?" Lee asks, peaking over Eve's shoulder. "Yes. Here." Eve replies, pulling out an envelope. You take the envelope and spread this photos out on an empty table.

"They're all women." Lee says, surprised. "They are. Surprised me, not gonna lie." Kenny replies from across the room. "Have any of you seen these women before?" you asks, examining a photo.

Just as you were about the grab your phone, a faded picture catches your eye. Curious, you pick it up. There was something about the woman in the photo that looks familiar but you can't point out what it is.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Eve asks, walking towards you. "This woman. She looks familiar." you tell her. "You mean you've seen her?" Eve asks you, causing everyone to look at you both. "I may have, I'm not sure. Eve takes the photo and passes it to Kenny.

"Kenny, can you try find any picture that look similar to this one?" she asks him. He nods and gets to work. Lee continues to study the photos and you join her. "Any seem familiar to you?" you ask her. "Nope." she replies.

While you and Lee study the pictures, Carolyn calls you into a small room. "Is everything okay?" you ask her, taking a seat. "While Kenny searches for pictures similar to the one you found familiar, can you try and remember where you saw the woman?" she asks you.

"I can't remember where, but her face. It's so familiar. I feel like it's a face I've seen recently." you explain. "How recently?" she forces, leaning on the desk. "Not sure. The past few days maybe?" you tell her.

Just as she was about to ask another question, Eve runs into the room. "Eve we are in the mid-" Carolyn starts, quickly cut off by Eve. "Kenny found some pictures." Eve says, loudly.

You rush beside Kenny and take a seat. "Here. I found all of these." he tell you all, shifting to the side. You move your chair in front of the computer and start scrolling through them.

After a good 5 minutes of scrolling, you come across a picture, almost identical to the one from earlier. "Here, this one. It matches the photo perfectly." you express.

Eve crouches behind you and studies the picture. "Hm, that's definitely her. Kenny, find more info about her please." Eve orders as you move out the way.

Shortly after, Kenny finds some information. "Here, I've found it." Kenny says, a tad too loud. Everyone gathers around and you take a seat in front of the screen once again.

"Oksana Astankova. Born March 12, 1993. She's a Russian Assassin. Imprisoned some time ago in which she died." you start. "Died? If she's dead, how is she a suspect?" Lena asks. "Well, I'm assuming she isn't dead." you answer.

After reading through all of the information, Kenny pulls up more pictures. "Look through these." Carolyn orders. You do what she says and after a short while, you come across one that sparks your memory.

You stumble away from the screen, gobsmacked. "What Y/n, what's wrong?" Eve asks, running to your side. "Lee, it's her." you say, smacking your hand over your mouth.

"Who?" Lena asks, helping you gain your balance. You hurry back to the computer and zoom in on the photo. "Her! The woman I bumped into yesterday." you shout. "The one who dropped her bags?" Lena asks, knowing exactly who you're talking about. "Yes."

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