07: Amsterdam Day One

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Villanelle had made sure no one found out about your trip away. She was very clear when she said it would just be you two together.

The morning of your flight, she knocks on your door. To your surprise, she didn't just let herself in. "You ready?" she asks, with a wide smile. "Physically, yes. Mentally, no." you reply. "Perfect."

The ride to the airport was peaceful. Villanelle had sorted out all of the flights so you have no specific details on the travel itself. Once you arrive at the airport, Villanelle leads you over to a larger man who you suspect is Konstantin. It is him. He is different to the picture, but not to different to dismiss that fact it's him.

"So this is who you are bringing, is it?" he asks. You smile sarcastically. "Yes. Y/n said she'd come with me." Villanelle tells him, shifting up onto her toes.

Konstantin nods then leads you both to a small plane. You board, sitting across from Villanelle. As the plane takes off, you stare out the window. The sky is grey.

Once the plane reaches peak altitude, the seatbelt lights turn off and Villanelle grabs your hand. "Thank you for coming." she tells you, smiling softly. You nod back and she continues talking. "Tomorrow is a very important day, you know." she informs you.

You nod. "You're very right. It's your 27th birthday." you reply with a smirk. "How do you know that?" she asks, intrigued. "I've done my research." you tell her, proudly. She sits up straight. "So you're interested in me?" she asks as her eyes widen. "I mean, how can I not? You're somewhat inspiring." you answer.

"So, when's your birthday?" she asks as someone brings over drinks. "January 13th, 1995." you say. "Oh, so you have not long turned 25." she states. "Correct." you reply.

About half an hour later, the plane lands. Villanelle grabs your hand and takes you over to a black Audi a6. "Nice car, isn't it." she says, pulling the keys from her pocket. "This is how we will be getting around for the next week." she expresses. "Oh, so we are here for a week. Good to know." you say, climbing into the passenger seat. "I've always wanted to visit Amsterdam."

Even though Villanelle is dangerous, her driving skills are far from that. The drive to the apartment you are both staying at isn't long. Fifteen minutes at the most. Once you arrive, Villanelle parks the car and helps you unload it. You both carry everything to the room.

"There's only one bed. I'd apologize, but I can't say I'm sorry." she informs you. You roll your eyes and place everything down. Together, the two of you explore the room. "Nice, isn't it." she says, sitting on the bed. You sit down beside her. "It is indeed."

You spend a good 10 minutes sitting beside her, staring out the window. "So, I assume you have made plans for the week." you say, kepping your gaze fixed on the outside world. "Well actually, I thought that you should decide today. We can come up with plans as we go along." she answers. You look at her and she hands you a booklet.

You take it from her and flick through it. She watches as you do so. "You haven't told anyone about this, have you?" she asks, playing with her rings. You look at her. "No. I told Eve and the others that I was attending a cousins wedding." you reply. She looks at you and smiles brightly.

"Here, look." you start. She shifts closer to you, almost touhing you. "We could grab lunch then do a canal cruise." you finish. "Hm, I like it." she says. "You get drinks and duth cheese as you go along." you add. "Dutch Cheese, yum." she says, standing.

She grabs your hands and pull you up, leaving a small 2 inch gab between your faces. "Let's go." she tells you. You grab the coat she gave you and follow her to the car.

After you both eat, you make your way to the cruise boat. You both sit across from one another as a young man brings drinks. "Hello, ladies." he addresses in a thick Dutch accent. "The cheese will be out once we depart." he explains, pouring you both a glass of wine.

Once the young man leaves, Villanelle shifts forward in her seat. "Does me being an assassin seriously not scare you?" she asks, sipping her wine. You look at her with a soft expression. "No. It's somewhat comforting really." you explain. 

She smiles and sips her wine again. An hour passes and you both hop off the cruise. "Shall we head back to the room?" she asks. You link your arm with hers. "No, not yet. It's only 2 and I want to explore the city more." you tell her.

You can tell that when you linked your arm around hers, that she blushed.

You spend the next two and a half hours walking, talking and laughing. Usually, you would be scared of an assassin of Villanelle's sort but she truly didn't scare you. "Let's grab dinner then head back." you tell her, leading her into a restaurant.

You sit down and she sits across from her. "Today's been amazing, thank you." you say. "No, thank you. I'm really happy you came." she interjects. "I needed a holiday anyways." you laugh.

After you both eat, you walk back to the car and drive to the room. You wash up and join Villanelle on the couch. "Dance with me." she tells you. You look at her. "What?" you ask, surprised. "Dance with me, please." she repeats. "I can't dance." you say, blushing. "I don't care. Come."

You and her dance and laugh for the next 15 minutes, until you slip and fall on the bed. She looks at you and bursts out laughing, causing you to do the same.

As 12am rolls around, you lay down in bed and look at her. "I'm going to sleep." She looks at you. "Okay, good night." she says. You snuggle down into the sheets. As you close your eyes, you feel her soft lips peck your head causing you to blush for the 100th time today.

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