05: Villanelle...

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At 9am, you and Eve arrive at the office. Carolyn, Kenny and Bill are already there. "Does Bill know the plan?" you ask the group. Carolyn nods and you take a seat.

2 hours pass and you glance at your watch. "One more hour.." you share, worry taking over. "You'll be fine. Just remember, she's dangerous. Chances are she won't do anything but better to be safe than sorry." Eve reassures you.

Carolyn has you a hair tie. "Tie your hair with this. It has a microphone implanted in it. We will be able to hear everything." she informs you.

There is no way that you are going to let them hear what is said between you and Villanelle so you come with a plan to trick them.

You put the hair tie in your hair and head off to Cubana's. As you arrive, you write a note. "Tell me to take my hair tie out. Say you know it has a microphone in it.' you write.

You view the restaurant. Villanelle quickly catches your eye. You walk up to her and sit. You hand her the note before she can say anything. She reads it then looks at you. "Villanelle..." you say, cracking your neck. "Take your hair out. I know there is a microphone in your hair band." she reads with her Russian accent.

You smile at her then take your hair out. You walk over to a bin and bury it down inside. There is no way that you two can be heard now. You sit back down and she smirks at you.

"So, we properly meet at last." she says, sighing a little. "Surprisingly. You have been stalking my since we bumped into each other." you answer. Her smirk grows and your phone buzzes.

As you go to grab it from your bag, Villanelle grabs your arm sending shivers down your spine. "No." she says, simply. You follow her order and place your arm back on the table.

"So, you got Konstantin to set this up didnt you?" she asks, leaning towards you. You lean in towards her. "Yes, you are correct." There is something about her that intimidates you, but at the same time she makes you feel comfortable.

Maybe it's the fact that she's a highly skilled assassin, but you don't seem to mind.

Just as you were about to speak, a waiter walks over and hands you both menus and a drink menu to share.

You read the menu and choose what to eat. As you're reading the drink menu, Villanelle pulls it towards her so she can read it too. You glance at her, flustered.

Her jaw line is sharp, her eyes a beautiful but unique hazel. Her hair a rich shade of blonde. She looks nothing like the pictures you saw of her the other day. She has completely changed. She is stunning.

Not long later, the waiter returns and you both order your food, Villanelle letting you order first. Once the waiter leaves, you look at her. "Right, let's cut to the chase. Why have you been stalking me?" you ask firmly.

She gasps. "I have not been stalking you. It's called a simple follow." she replies. "Cut the crap Villanelle and answer the question. She looks shocked but listens. "Fine. I couldn't stop thinking about you, so I decided to learn more about you." she explains.

"By stalking me?" you project a tad too loudly. "Shhh! Yes, by stalking you." she answers. "You could've just talked to me." you tell her, rolling your eyes. "Stalking is way better."

Minutes later, your food and drinks arrive. You thank the waiter and start eating. "Why'd you kill the person outisde here the other day?" you ask her, sipping your wine. "I was bored. I also wanted to see if you would realise it was me. I guess you did." she tell you, proudly.

"Why'd you kill Lena?" you asks, now interrogating her. "Boredom. I also wanted to push you into wanting to talk to me." she explains. "You were bored, so you kill my bestfriend?!" you shout. Luckily no one hears you as the restaurant was blazing with people.

"Yes, I'm sorry." she says, her expression staying the same. You roll yor eyes again and continue eating.

After an hour of eating and talking, you get ready to leave. "Where are you going?" she asks, grabbing your arm again. "To work. I have to get back soon." you explain. "No, stay. I like you y/n."

You look at her, a touch of sympathy in your eyes. "I have to go. I'm certain you'll make sure this isn't the last time we meet. Goodbye Villanelle."

You leave her sitting at the table alone. As you walk back, you remember that your phone buzzed. You open it to be met by a message from Eve.

"What happened? We can't hear you." it reads.
"Villanelle knew it was a microphone." you text back.
Eve replies in under a minute.
"No idea. Talk when I get back."

Once you get back, you go over what happened with everyone, adding little lies here and there. You make sure that no one knows the full truth.

5pm rolls around quickly. You and Eve head back to her house.

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