10: Back to normal, sort of

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The next morning, your alarm rings throughout your apartment. You roll over and turn it off. As you sit up, you see the note. You look to your left but Villanelle isn't there like you expected her to be.

You pick up the note and read it.

'Y/n, I would've stayed but you said you had work. I decided that you may want some space to get back into your routine.

See you around xoxo


You smile and climb out of bed. You grab your phone to text her but realise you don't have her number. You get ready then head off to work.

On your way, you think about what the letter said. It doesn't make sense to you. She hadn't seemed to care about your space or routine before your trip, but all of a sudden she does.

As you walk into the office, you are greeted by Kenny and Eve. "Ooh, new set up. I like it." you exclaim. Kenny smiles. "Yes, Kenny decided we needed a different set up so we could have more space." Eve replies.

Your desk isn't hard to find as you have a bunch of stickers on your laptop. Some are from countries like Denmark, Italy, Japan, New Zealand and other places you've visited. Others are rainbow or just things you're interested in.

As you sit at your desk, your phone vibrates. You pull it from your pocket and turn it on.


I hope the planning for our next trip doesn't take too long. I'm excited.

It's obvious who it is; Villanelle. You scoot towards the wall and hide your screen so there is no way anyone can see what you're doing.

Y/n: Villanelle, I'm guessing Konstantin gave you my number.

V: More like I stole it from him, but yes.

Y/n: Not even surprised.

V: So, when's our next trip and where?

Y/n: We just got back from Amsterdam. We can't make our relationship too suspicious. They're questioning where you went while 'I' was away.

V: Of course they are. Plan it then we can go over the dates later. I'll make sure it isn't suspicious.

Y/n: Fine.

V: Perfect. How's work?

Y/n: Not bad. I'm about to leave for break.

V: I'll join you.

Y/n: You can't. Eve, Kenny, Carolyn and I are all catching up on what I've missed.

V: Ugh, okay. I'll leave you be for a few hours.

Y/n: Okay hahaha. Bye.

You look at the time. 9:30am. "Right, what is there to catch up on since I've been gone?" you ask, walking over to Eve. Kenny and Carolyn join you.

"Well, once you left, there had been no new murders or any indocations that Villanelle was around." Carolyn tells you. "Oh, okay. Do you think she may have followed me to Amsterdam?" you ask, damn well knowing the truth.

"Maybe, but we aren't sure. We talked to Konstantin who said he hadn't seen her and he always plans her trips. If she did follow you over, she made sure no one knew." Carolyn answers.

"Are you sure you didn't see any signs of her while you were away?" Eve asks. "Nope, none." you say. "Anything seem off at the wedding?" Kenny adds. You take a second to make it look like you're thinking. "Nope, nothing that I noticed." you reply.

"Hmm, weird. You haven't talked with Villanelle recently, have you?" Eve asks, confused. "No, haven't talked to her since the meet up." you lie. Eve nods. "Right, lets get food. I'm starving." Carolyn says, leaving the room. You all follow behind.

Once the food is bought, you all make your way back. While walking, you come across Konstantin. "Konstantin, you haven't seen Villanelle, have you?" Carolyn asks. You glare at him and he quickly gets the message.

"No, no. Not for a week. I've called her but she hasn't answered." he informs you all. You sigh a little too loudly. "Y/n, are you okay?" Kenny asks. "Yes, I just...twisted my ankle." you tell him, lying.

You hate lying to them, but you had to protect your relationship with Villanelle. If they got the chance, they would have her arrested and you don't want that.

After work, you get home and hop straight in the shower. Standing right under the steaming water, you try wash away the stress from lying all day. You get out and get dressed. You walk into the Kitchen to see Villanelle sitting at the table.

"Hello y/n." she says. You sit across from her. "I was half expecting you to be in my bed this morning." you tell her. "The note explained why I wasn't." she replies. "I know, I read it." you say.

"You need to choose a name that I can set for when you text or call me." you explain. She looks at you confused. "Why can't it just be Villanelle?" she asks you. You sit up straight. "The others don't know about our relationship and if they find out, they'll probably arrest you. If that happens, no more Y/n and Villanelle." you tell her.

She sighs and thinks. "Adrienna Diaz." she decides. You nod and type it into your phone. "So, how was work?" she asks as you type. "Back to normal, sort of." you reply, looking up from your phone.

"So, I was thinking." you start. Villanelle leans on the table. "Go on.." she pushes. "It's a four day weekend this week. If you can go all week without causing trouble, we can go away somewhere." you bribe.

She thinks carefully. "Where exactly?" she asks. "I was thinking Glasgow or Edinburgh." you suggest. She considers your deal. "Hm, fine. Edinburgh." she agrees. You smile and nod.

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