06: Mystery Packages

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A little over a week has passed since your meeting with Villanelle. Nothing out of the ordinary has occured. Just London citizens being their normal selves.

One ordinary Sunday morning, you walk down stairs to be met by Niko examining a package that is perched on the table. "It's addressed to you." he informs. Puzzled, you walk over and join him.

You open the package. It's one of the scarfs that fell out of one of Villanelle's bags as well as the jacket she was wearing and a bottle of perfume. You know it's from her, but no one else does. Not long after, Eve comes downstairs.

"What's all this?" she asks, looking in the box. You pause, smell the perfume, then answer. "It's from Villanelle..." you tell them. Eve gasps and worry washes over Niko's face.

"That's it, I'm heading back to my apartment. I'm not putting you both in more danger." you tell them, grabbing the box. "How do you know it's from Villanelle?" Eve asks. You turn to face them. "This scarf..." you hold it up. "It fell out of one of the bags she dropped when we bumped into eachother." you hold up the perfume. "This is the perfume she was wearing that day too." You pull up the jacket. "She was wearing this exact jacket."

You turn back and head upstairs. You load your car and leave, thanking them as you do so.

The police had cleaned everything up yesterday and had given you the all clear. Once you arrive home, you chuck everything on your bead then head into the bathroom. You stand there for a minute. Everything was clean. It is going to be very different around here.

You make it your job to clear all of Lena's belongings and give them to her parents. You spend the rest of the day doing just that.

You can't be bothered cooking so you order Chinese and watch T.V. Most of the food in the fridge had gone bad while you were away so you throw it all out.

After dinner, you blast music on the T.V as you strip the sheets from Lena's bed. You chuck them in the wash and remake the bed.

Her parents had come around an hour or so ago to collect some belongings so the majority of her stuff was gone. It was hard watching them take it, but you couldn't do anything about it.

Exhausted, you shower and head to bed making sure to double lock the door.

The next morning, you wake up and roll to your right. There was a box sitting on your bedside table. You don't know whether it was there when you went to bed so you open it without a second thought.

There was a note inside with a lipstick stain on it. "Might need new locks - I have a key ;)" it read. You jump out of bed and rush into the living room. There,, sitting on your couch is Villanelle.

"What are you doing here?" you shout. "Am I not welcome?" she asks, acting all innocent. "In what world would you be?" you shout again. "Woah, woah. Calm down. I'm not gonna harm you. I just wanted to see you." she tells you, walking towards her. You step back, a little frightened.

She stops and looks at you. "Wow y/n." You glare at her. "What! I have no reason not to fear you." you express. "After everything I gave you. The scarf, the perfume, the jacket... I can't believe you." she tells you, sitting down.

You roll your eyes. "You need to leave. Go, now." you say loudly, pointing towards the door. "No." she replies. "Leave!" you yell. "No."

You sit down across from her, defeated. You yawn and slump back. "You look cute when you're tired." she tells you. You don't reply. "So, are you going to change your locks?" she asks, eager for a response. "I don't know. Is there even a point? You'll find a way in anyways." you explain.

"True. I have your key though." she answers. "With or without a key you'll still welcome yourself in. It doesn't change anything." you say. She comes and sits next to you.

"Y/n, I want you to do something with you." she starts. "Like what?" you asks, sitting up straight. "I want you to come to Amsterdam with me." she replies. "No." you snap. "Please? I want you to. I'll play for everything. We can do whatever you like. I just want to spend time witn you, just us." she pleads.

You consider it. "Promise you won't kill me?" you push. "Promise." she assures you, her face lit with excitement. You sigh. "I'll consider it." you tell. She claps her hands happily. You smile, looking away.

"Now get ready." she says, pulling you off the couch. "What, why?" you ask, surprised. "I'm taking you out for breakfast." she says enthusiastically. "We aren't dating, you know." you tell her directly. "Yet.." she adds on, smirking.

You roll your eyes and follow her instructions.

15 minutes later, you come out dressed. Since it was cold, you put on the jacket Villanelle gave you. It is genuinely a lovely jacket.

You walk out and her eyes light up. "You look stunning, and you're wearing my jacket." she squeals. "I am, now lets go. I'm hungry."



Let's ignore the fact that I just blasted out 3 chapters in one night. I was bored lmao.

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