12: Romantic Weekend Getaway?

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The next morrning, you wake up to Villanelle's body up against yours, her arms wrapped around you holding you close.

You manage to roll over to face her. You admire her sleeping self for a minute, then peck her nose with a light kiss. It somehow manages to wake her up.

"Good morning, love." you say softly. She squints her eyes and groans. "Good morning. What time is it?" she asks, letting you free. You check your phone. "Just past 8:30." you reply.

She stretches then snuggles into your shoulder. "What time is breakfast?" she asks, her eyes half open. "9 until 10:30." you tell her. "Okay." she kisses your shoulder and climbs out of bed. "I'm having a shower." she says, grabbing a towel. You smile and close your eyes.

You lay there, relaxing to the sound of the shower. While you relax, you hear a grunt from the bathroom. "Crap! Y/n, can you bring me my shampoo please?" Villanelle shouts. "What bags is it in?" you shout back, climbing out of bed. "Toilet bag. It's on my suitcase."

"Do you want the whole bag?" you shout, grabbing it. "Uh, yeah okay." she shouts back. You walk over to the bathroom and poke your head around. Upon seeing nothing but steam, you walk in and place the bag on the counter.

"Can you grab it for me?" she asks, quieter this time. You unzip the bag and pull it out. You slither the bottle around the shower curtain. "Further. I can't reach it." she says. You extend your arm around futher.

"More. Don't be shy." she tells you. You can hear the smirk on her face. "Just take the bloody bottle, love. My arm's getting soaked."

She laughs and takes the bottle. Her hand caresses yours. Shivers spread up your arm. You pull back and leave the room. "Thank you." you hear from behind you. "You're welcome." you reply.

As you're getting dressed, you hear the shower shut off. While looking for a shirt, you feel someone behind you. You turn to see Villanelle standing there, looking at you.

You stand there looking at you as she looks back. She is wrapped in a bath robe. "Hm, nice boobs." she finally speaks. Your facial expression drops. "Thank you." you reply, sarcastically. "You have a very nice body." she adds, making her way towards you.

As you bend down to grab a shirt, she places her hands on your hips. "What are you-" she turns you around roughly. You gasp as she pulls your body closer to hers.

"Hm, I like this. Don't you?" she asks, eyeing you up and down. "I- um." you try. "Speechless. Love it. Anyways, why don't you continue getting ready? I'm starving." she says, slyly.

Surprised, and a little turned on, you finally pick up your shirt and put it on. As Villanelle gets dressed, you brush your hair and teeth.

"Right love, you ready?" you ask, grabbing your phone and wallet. "God you're sexy." she gasps. You smirk, walking towards her. You place your hands on the crook of her neck. "That's not what I asked." you tell her, fake pouting. She bites her lip and nods. "I am ready." she complies.

You smile and move your hands away. "Good."

Once you get to the buffet, you pick a table near a large window. "The crowd is huge. Should we wait a bit?" you ask, looking towards the food. "But I'm starving." Villanelle whines. "Then go get food. I'm waiting though."

Villanelle sits there, looking like a sad puppy for a few minutes. "Right, the crowd has died down. Wanna come?" you ask, standing. She nods and follows.

You stop ahead and wait for her. As you continue walking, she smacks your ass. "Villanelle!" you exclaim, shocked. She laughs at your response.

With your food, you sit back at the table. Villanelle does the same. Just as you're about to cut into a pancake, a man approaches you. "Hey love, how's is hanging?" he asks, attempting to flirt.

Visibly pissed off, Villanelle draws the mans attention to herself. "Hey love, She's with me and taken." she projects. The man glares at her. "Romantic Weekend Getaway?" he mocks. "Yes actually. It is. Now if you don't mind, we would like to eat without looking at a piece of trash."

The man sulks away, causing Villanelle to smirk to herself. "Villanelle, what was that?" you ask, swiping her arm. She laughs. "How else was I supposed to get him to piss off?" You roll your eyes and start eating.

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