03: Gone

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Over the next week, you feel like you're being followed. To your surprise, you know exactly who it is; Oksana.

One random morning on your way to work, a television in a store steals your attention. You gaze upon the television, only to see the news with the headlines 'Murder outside The Cubana Restaurant'.

Looking closely, you notice that it was the exact spot where you had bumped into Oksana. You jog the rest of the way, calling Eve as you go.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Eve asks.
"The murder outside Cubana's. It was where I bumped into Oksana." you tell her, panting.
"Do you think it was her trying to get your attention?" Eve asks, curiously.
"I know it was her. I have this feeling." you reply.

A quick minute later, you arrive at work. You barge through the door and look for Eve. You push through the office doors, to be met by Eve, Carolyn and Kenny. "Where's Lena?" you ask. catching your breath.

"She hasn't showed up. I called her and got nothing." Carolyn tells you. As Kenny opens his laptop, you suddenly feel faint. You stumble down into a chair. "Y/n, are you okay?" Eve asks, worriedly. "I have a really bad feeling." you exclaim.

Hours pass and there is no sign of Lena. "Should I go see her? She told me she would come today. I'm worried." you tell them. "She's fine y/n, calm down." Carolyn tries. "No, something is wrong. I can feel it." you tell her, force in your voice. "Y/n... stop." Eve starts.

"No. I'm going. I'll be back." you end the conversation. You grab your gear and make your way back to yours and Lena's apartment.

"Lee, are you here?" you call out. Nothing. You walk into her room. Nothing. You poke your head into the bathroom only to see a faint read stain on the wall. You take a step closer. "W-what..? LENA?!" you scream. There lay her lifeless body, drenched in her own blood.

You quickly call Eve. "Eve, get here now! Lena's been killed." you cry. After you call Eve, you call 999.

It doesn't take long for Eve to show. "Y/n, where are you?" she yells. "B-bathroom." you reply, choked up. She walks in, then stumbles back at the sight. Your face, stained from tear, turns to her direction.

"What happened?" she asks, hand over her mouth. You don't reply. Minutes later, the Police arrive.

It doesn't take long for them to remove Lena's body and take you and Eve to the station. "Miss l/n, can you tell us what happened?" a female officer asks. You sit there, staring into space until Eve nudges you back into reality.

"Sorry?" you ask. The officer repeats herself. "Tell us what happened please." You look up at Eve, then back at the officer. "Well, I got this sudden bad feeling at work. I decide to go home to check on Lena. I walk into the bathroom to see her lifeless body, laying in the bath." you explain. "Is that when you called us?" another officer asks.

"No, I called Eve first. I had already told her about my bad feeling so I felt like I should call her first. Then I called 999." you answer. The officer nods and leaved the room, followed by the other officer.

"Y/n..." Eve starts. "No. Not here." you warn her. You knew for a fact that you two were being spied on by other officers so there was no way that you were going to risk any information that could spill out of her mouth.

A good while later, the officers let you both go and you guys make your way back to the office. Upon enter, you see Carolyn leaning silently on a table. Kenny however, was sitting at his desk crying. "Y/n..." Carolyn starts. "I don't want to hear it." you warn her.

"Don't get mad at me. I didn't kill Lena." she yells. "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the situation." you yell back. Not long after, the water works start back up. You take a seat and grab a tissue. "She's gone. She's really gone." you mumble between cries.

After a good few minutes, you stand up. "I know who killed her." you say. Everyone looks at you with surprised looks on their faces. "What?" Kenny asks. "It was Villanelle." you explain. "Y/n, who's Villanelle?" Carolyn asks, taking a step towards you.

'There was a scarf tied around Lena's wrist. I slipped it into my pocket before the police arrived." you start as you remove the scarf from your pocket. "That could've come from anywhere." Carolyn says, turning away. "Look closer." you say, handing it to her.

"Y/n, who's Villanelle?" Eve tries. You look at her, giving her a knowing look. "Oksana."  Carolyns head flicks up. "How do you know that?" she asks, confused. "I did some research. Oksana now goes by Villanelle apparently." you explain, sitting back down.

You look up to Carolyn who is studying the scarf. "See it yet?" you ask. "Oh my- you're right." Carolyn exclaims, shock filling her voice.

"Oh, I have a question Carolyn. Do you know a Konstantin?"

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