14: Stay With Me

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A.N: Hey everyone, this is the last part. There will be another story following this so this ending isn't the final ending.


Once at the location, you grab your bags and step out of the cab. As you're walking, a man approaches you. Villanelle grabs your hand and pulls you back.

"Miss Oksana, Konstantin sent me to grab your bags." he says. You look at Villanelle. She nods. The man takes the bags and scurries away.

"Are you okay?" she asks, letting you go. "Yes, are you okay?" you reply. "I'm fine. Let's just hurry."

Once inside, you see Konstantin and two other men sitting at a table. You folow Villanelle over to them. One of the men gestures for you both to sit, so you do.

"I'm assuming you both know why you're here." the other man says. You nod. "Yes, we do. This is bullshit. I would never harm Y/n." Villanelle starts. Konstantin cuts her off.

"We know that. We need to find out who has set this up." he says. "Any ideas?"

Villanelle looks at you, causing the three men to do the same. "I think I have an idea. Carolyn Martens and Eve Polastri." you say.

The three men exchange looks. "Explain." one man says. "Well, it all started when a man was found dead outside of Cubana's. The body was found in the exact spot where Villanelle and I bumped into eachother."

The three men all lean on the table. "Go on."

"We, as a work place, learned about Villanelle as she had been stalking me. Then she killed my bestfriend, Lena." you voice quivers. You pause then continue.

"Villanelle went through this phase of breaking into my apartment and stuff like that. Then, she invited me to Amsterdam to which I agreed." As you're talking, the man that took the bags comes over with water.

"While we were in Amsterdam, Carolyn and Eve must've been going over the case and realised that Villanelle had disappeared. They assumed she followed me over to Amsterdam."

"They didn't know you were with her?" on man asks, sipping his drink. You shake your head. "No Sir. Not long after, we went to Edinburgh. That leads us to now." you finish.

The two men look at eachother as Konstantin's phone rings. He excuses himself and the four of you continue talking. "Oksana- I mean Villanelle is a criminal. She's dangerous." a man says.

"She doesn't scare me." you say simply. The two men nod.

After what feels like hours of talking, the men leave and Konstantin comes over to you and Villanelle. "It's good to see you still alive." he jokes. Villanelle chuckles nervously.

"What if someone hurts Y/n?" she asks, tears in her eyes. "No one is going to hurt either of you." he says. You look at him and examine his facial expression. You could tell he was only trying to make Villanelle feel better. There was no way he could know what was going to happen.

You and Villanelle head outside to get some fresh air. As you're standing, she grabs your hands and rests her forehead against yours.

You both stand there, simply breathing for a few minutes. Villanelle pulls back and puts her hands on your shoulders. She pulls you into a tight embrace.

"Thank you for not dobbing me in." she says. You hug her back, digging your head into her chest. "Why would I do that?" you ask. "Well, like Mr whats his face said, I'm a criminal. I'm dangerous. I could've killed you."

You pull back and look at her, her hands resting on your shoulders. You cup her face. "I know. Like I've said, you don't scare me. Nothing about you does." she smiles.

After a quick minute of looking into eachothers eyes, she gently pulls you closer. You gasp but go with it.

A wave of confidence washes over you. You pull her in further and peck her lips with your own. Without even a second to think, Villanelle smashes her lips against yours.

A decent 10 seconds pass and you both pull back for air. You face is bright red. Villanelle has a thick smirk on hers. "I knew you liked me." she says.

Before you can respond, the sound of a gun shot goes off and Villanelle stumbles into you. You stand her upright, only to see blood soaking her shirt.

You hurry inside with Villanelle by your side. You lay her on the floor and rip off your jacket. "Here Villanelle, look at me. Hold this to the wound." you tell her.

She does what you say weakly. Shortly after, you start to break down. "Konstantin, someone help! Help, come quick!" you cry, tears streaming down your face.

Konstantin and four others race around the corner. "What, what!?" he shouts. "Villanelle's been shot. We need to help her!" you manage. "Come on love, stay with me." you whine, stroking her hair. "Stay with me." you say again.

Her eyes shut and you scream. "Villanelle no! Stay awake, come on, stay with me!"

The four men pick Villanelle's body up of the hard floor and take her away. Konstantin crouches down next to you and pulls you in.

There you both sit, crying into each other.

After a good few minutes, Konstantin leaves. Just as you're about to leave yourself, you hear footsteps behind you.

"I'm sorry Y/n, but we did what needed to be done." you turn to see Carolyn standing there.

"I knew you had something to do with this. How could you? She's gone! Villanelle is gone!" you shout, making your way towards her.

"She was getting in your way. We did what was right." she says calmly. You scoff and storm out. If you could, you would kill her but you don't want to do anything you might regret later.

You walk around aimlessly for a hour, crying as you do so. You hear a car pull up beside you. "Come on Y/n, let's get out of here."

You get in the car and wipe your tears. While driving, you whisper to yourself. "Stay with us Villanelle, stay with me. There is no way you're gone. You can't leave me. Please, stay with me." You break down into tears once again.

Right everyone, this is the end of Stay With Me. The next story is called "I'm not going anywhere". It leads on from this.

Hope you all enjoyed this - thank you all so much. Happy Pride Month, ily all <3


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