04: Konstantin

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"What?" Carolyn asks, horror in her tone. "I said, do you know a Konstantin." you reply calmly. She looks at you, trouble in her eyes. "No, I don't think I do." she replies.

You know for a fact she is trying to feed you lies. "Oh, okay." you start. You pull out your phone and open Facebook. "This photo tells me otherwise." you tell, showing her the photo.

Her expression drops. "Where did you find that?" she asks, snatching the phone from you. "So you do know him?" you ask her, taking your phone back. "No, I said I don't." she expresses.

You pause and study the photo. "Oh, so that isn't you sitting on his lap?" you ask slyly. She glares at you. "How do you know Konstantin?" she asks. "I could ask you the same question." you snap back, leaning on the desk behind you.

Eve and Kenny watch silently. Just as Carolyn was about the talk, the door pushes open. "Bill, you're back!" Carolyn yells, creating the illusion of happiness. "Carolyn! How do you know him!" you shout, frustrated.

"We worked together a while back." she explains. "So you do know him! Why lie?" you ask. "Past memories." she answers. You roll your eyes.

After everyone welcomes Bill back, you all sit around a table. "We need to get ahold of Konstantin." you start. "Why?" Carolyn cuts in. "He's supposedly working with Villanelle. If we can get ahold of him, we could set up a meeting with Villanelle." you explain.

Carolyn looks at you but says nothing. "So, is it a good idea?" you ask, forcing a response out of them. Everyone agree's, then Carolyn grabs her bag. "What are you doing?" Kenny asks her. "Here. It's Konstantins number. Call him and set it up." she tells you, handing over a piece of paper.

You take the paper and quickly dial the number. The ringing goes for only a few seconds.

"Hello?" you hear. The accent is thick. You assume it's Russian.
"Hi, is this Konstantin?" you ask, a waver in your voice.
"Yes, who is this?" he replies with another question.
"Um, this is Y/n-" you manage.
"Y/n Y/l/n?" he asks, sounding eager.
"Yes...do you know me?" you ask, slightly concerned.
"No, but a ...friend... of mine does." he informs you.
"Villanelle..." you whisper.
"How do you know her name?" he asks. You hear what you assume is a chair fall over in the background.
"I'll tell you but I need your help." you tell him.

He goes silent for a second.

"What with?" he finally asks.
"Can you help me set up a meeting with Villanelle?" you question.
"Why would you like to do that?" he asks, almost interrogating you.
"She's been stalking me for the past week. I want to talk to her." you explain.
"I'll set it up. Save this number and I'll text you the details." he agrees.

You hang up with phone with a slight smile. "So...?" Eve asks, shifting her attention your way. "He agreed to help. He's gonna text me the details when he has set it up." you explain. Eve nods and Carolyn leaves the room.

Confused, Eve follows her out. "What's wrong Carolyn?" you hear from the other side of the wall. You look at Kenny who is already looking at you. "Nothing. Leave me be." you hear Caroyln reply.

Seconds later, Eve enters the room, a confused look plastered on her face. You shrug it off and try push your thoughts of Lena and Villanelle out of your head.

By the time 3pm rolls around, you're starving. "Eve, Kenny. Wanna grab some food from Costa?" you propose. The pair instantly agree. You all grab your wallets and head off down the road.

"So, how are you feeling?" Kenny asks, pushing the door open. You look up at him, a slight smile on your face. "Better. Still upset that she's gone though. Lee was my bestfriend. We did almost everything together." you express. He lowers his head. You rub his back. "It's okay Kenny, I know you liked her."

Once the three of you arrive at Costa, your phone buzzes. You grab it from your pocket and turn it on. It was Konstantin.

"Tomorrow, Cubana's at 12pm." the text says. You send thumbs up in response. "Villanelle will be at table 29." he adds. You reply with a swift 'Thank you' then tell Eve and Kenny.

After you all grab some food and a drink, you head back to the office. Carolyn isn't there when you arrive but it doesn't stop you from getting work done.

By the time she arrives, you are due to leave. You're apartment was still being investigated as a crime scene so Eve had suggested that you could stay with her and Niko. You took up the offer happily.

Her and yourself go to your apartment to grab some clothes. Neither of you could say how long you will be staying with them, but luckily Niko doesn't mind.

You and Eve arrive at her and Niko's house and are greeted by the smell of Shepards Pie. Niko shows you you're room and Eve helps you settle in.

After dinner, you wash up and meet the couple in the living room. Eve informs Niko on what's been going on with Villanelle, to which he responds with "I'll help in any way I can."

You thank them both for everything then head upstairs to your room. It is already 11pm by now and you can feel that tomorrow is going to be a huge day so you settle down and go to sleep.

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