08: Happy Birthday

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You wake up before Villanelle. It's 8:58am so room service is already up and running. You quietly call for a cake and meal for Villanelle and yourself.

Once room service arrives, you take the food and place it on the coffee table. The smell of food must've woken Villanelle up. She stretches and rubs her eyes. "Good morning." she yawns.

You walk over to her and sit beside her. "Happy birthday." you smile. She looks over to the food that races to it. You laugh and follow her over. "Dig in." you tell her, grabbing a coffee from the tray.

You sit beside her and watch her eat. "So, how are we going to spend your special day?" you asks, sipping your coffee. She looks up at you. "I want to spend the day doing something fun and normal. I want to put killing on hold for the week." she answers.

You nod and she continues to eat. "I have a question." she starts, with her mouth full. She swallows then continues. "Have you forgiven me for killing your friend?"

You look at her dead in the face. "I will never forgive you for killing Lena. Yes, I will over come it but no, I will never forgive you." you tell her directly. She nods, a little put out, but continues eating.

Once she finishes, you both get ready for the day ahead. "Do you have any ideas on what we can do?" Villanelle asks you as she brushes her teeth. "I've heard good things about the WONDR experience." you answer.

She comes out of the bathroom and looks through her suitcase. "What is it?" she asks. "It's like an adult playroom type thing. There are multiple different rooms with different activites for adults to do that will make them feel like kids again." you explain.

She looks at you, a sparkle in her eyes. "Yes, perfect. Let's do that." she replies.

Once again, before you both leave, you grab your jacket. Wearing it always manages to bring a smile to Villanelle's face.

Instead of driving, the pair of you decide to bike. The weather is stunning so there was no reason to drive. "What's the time?" Villanelle asks as she bikes beside you. You glance at your watch. "Just gone 10am." you tell her. She smiles in response.

There is seriously something about her which draws you in. No matter how hard you try to block her out, you can't. It's almost like you're starting to become as obsessed with her as she is with you. The thought of that scares you, but also intrigues you.

The day goes by fast. Before you know it, it's 5pm. You had treated Villanelle to lunch earlier and now you were both on your way to get dinner. "What do you want to eat?" you ask her, swerving around a pot hole.

"I want a burrito." she answers. "Perfect." you agree. Even though Villanelle is an assassin and you have only known her for a short while, you have seriously come to like her. Under all of her killing and stalking, she is truly a sweet person.

Once you both get the food, you take it and eat it alongside a river. You both sit in silence, staring at the water. It doesn't take Villanelle long to break the silence though. "Thank you." she starts. You look up at her. "Today has been amazing. I've never had a birthday like this. You've made it amazing, so thank you." she concludes.

You smile and shift closer to her, leaving inches between you. She looks at you and smiles. You rest your head gently on her shoulder. She rests her head on yours. "You're welcome Villanelle. I'm glad you've enjoyed your day."

You spend the next 30 minutes, snuggled up against Villanelle as you both watch the sun set. It is starting to get chilly outside, but neither of you want to leave. Just as you are about to talk, Villanelle points something out in the distance.

"Look, lights!" she says, excited. You look at where she's pointing. "It looks like a...light show. Come on, lets go" you tell her, standing up. You grab her hands and pull her towards you, leading the way. You keep your hand intertwined with hers the entire time.

Villanelle and yourself sit on a bench and watch the lights. By now, it's around 7pm. The sun has almost completely set. As you two are sitting, Villanelle puts her arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer to her.

You rest your head against hers and grab the hand that is draped over you. The pair of you sit there, chatting for a good amount of time. Once 8pm hits, you both decide to head back to the room as it is getting really cold.

Instead of biking back, you call a cab.

Once back at the apartmet, you wash up and hop into bed next to Villanelle. "Let's watch a movie." you tell her, opening your laptop. She snuggles down beside you and you both get comfortable.

"What movie?" you ask her. Without even thinking, she shouts "Titanic". You laugh at her antics but put the movie on. "I haven't watched this is years." you tell her as you start the film.

By the end of the movie, you are tangled in Villanelle's arms, as well as in tears. Titanic never ceases to make you cry. To your surprise, Villanelle hugs you as you weep.

Just as the pair of you were about to go to sleep, your phone rings. "Crap, it's Eve." you exclaim, stressing out. Villanelle grabs your hands. "Answer. I'll be quiet." she tells you. You place the phone to your ear.

"Hi Eve, how are you?" you say.
"Good, how was the wedding?"
"Really amazing. Is everything okay?"
"Well, I'm not sure. It seems that as soon as you left, Villanelle disappeared."
You look at Villanelle laying beside you.
"Really? That's weird." you say.
"Have you seen any signs of her in Amsterdam?"
"No, I haven't." you lie.
"Alright, good. Bye."

You hang up and shift futher down in the bed. "Good night Villanelle who I haven't seen any sign of." you laugh. "Good night to you too y/n who I definitly didn't stalk." you both laugh and turn the lights off. Not long after, you drift off to sleep and Villanelle wraps her arms around you, holding you close.

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