1-9:Ultxa sängi hu Sylwanin'il

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Definitely check out the image above. It's a great rendering/photoshop of a character in this chapter.
"Kavaaah!" Atan cheered, he enjoys alcohol I guess. I felt myself chuckle even though it's not that funny, gaining a look from Tsu'tey.

"Enough talk, let's drink." Tsu'tey picked up a cup and handed it to Jake. He drank it hesitantly, before exhaling sharply.

"God damn." He grinned at Tsu'tey. They began a drinking game. Tsu'tey amped it up with a stronger drink.

I was curious so I grabbed a cup of the same. I'm technically allergic to alcohol, but I can drink it in moderation. I took a sip and found it was like apple vinegar and dill pickle juice. Kinda like battery acid.

Grace snatched the cup from me before I got a second sip.

"Watch it, that stuff will knock you into next week." She chuckled and gulped it down.

I grinned at her and grabbed another cup anyway. The music and the dancing grew more wild as more people joined the dance.

"Come with me, Tsu'tey." Saeyla said coquettishly, "show me how a warrior moves." She batted her eyelashes and put her hand out to him. He was drunk but he wasn't a fool.

"Ka'ani, show Saeyla how a warrior moves." He got up and pulled me with him unexpectedly. We were headed to the dance floor, but I pulled back abruptly.

"Tsu'tey I can't." Anxiety and remembrance filled me.

"Why not? All the people dance." He said, "please help me get away from her." He sighed aggravatedly.

"Just this once." I pointed a finger at him, "don't expect me to be very good at it." I frowned.

"I'm sure you're not that bad."

He stood parallel to me, I jumped on beat with the rest of the women in the clan. Rolling my body and moving my hands up to meet Tsu'tey's in time with him. We rolled our shoulders back, stepping away from each-other and back again.

"I told you it was not hard." He grinned. He was zeroed in on me. I think it was the alcohol, but we were both very centered on one another.

We came close together again, before I tripped on a kava bowl and fell into Tsu'tey. I got up quickly.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm such a klutz!" Embarrassed, the blood was flushing into my face, I needed to leave. I slipped away from the party.
I slipped away to the top of hometree. I don't know how long I was up there for. I saw Tsu'tey leave into the forest. I mounted my Ikran who I haven't named yet and I followed him silently to a beautiful forest of willow trees.

I landed not too far away and went to greet him.

"Neytiri?" I stopped, did he see me? Did he think I was Neytiri?

"No, only Saeyla. Only me." Her voice was sweet and thick with desire. One that someone like me can't truly understand. I peeked over the roots of the tree I was hiding by.

"You should be celebrating." He said dully. She came closer to him, laying her hands upon him gingerly, lovingly. It made my stomach take a dip.

"I can celebrate here with you."

Would he accept that? He's min- no, he's Neytiri's. He turned to her. I can't see his expression.

"You forget yourself." He says softly, "I am betrothed to Neytiri." He murmured.

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