2-2:Tsleng Plltxeyu

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Tsu'tey was gone before I woke, chants and cries from below of war echoed in my ears.

"What has happened?" I asked an angry Tsu'tey.

"Those demons have destroyed the tree of voices. We will strike them in the heart!" Tsu'tey roared.

"Stop! Please! This will only make things worse!"

"You do not speak here!" Tsu'tey pointed angrily. I hissed at Tsu'tey.

"Listen to what I must say, all of you!" I stood tall at the spiral, "the people I saw attacked by the sky people didn't survive! Not one! You will not survive if you do this."

Tsu'tey glared at me and frowned.

"You're wrong, we-"

"Tsu'tey!" Jake walked in, holding Neytiri's hand. They reeked of eachother.

"Brother, don't do this."

Tsu'tey knew Saeyla was right. He shoved Jake down with a hiss.

"You mated with this woman?" Tsu'tey's heart must've shattered, Neytiri was his best friend. Jake and Tsu'tey had grown close over the months despite his initial loathing.

"Is this true?" Mo'at asked, searching her daughter's face for a sign of denial.

"We are mated before Eywa. It is done." Neytiri answered hesitantly.

Tsu'tey turned away shakily. Jake had betrayed his trust, Neytiri had abandoned him without an ounce of concern for how he'd feel.

"Neytiri was promised to me." Tsu'tey stared Jake down with ragged, uneven breaths, "How could you do this? Everything is changing. Everything is being destroyed!" He pointed at Grace and Jake, "These aliens kill everything they touch, like poison."

I stood in front of Grace with a scowl.

"Shame on you, Tsu'tey. She's your teacher, your friend. Am I not your friend? Am I not an alien too?" He was flabbergasted, hurt, and full of regret now.


"Neytiri, if you choose this path- you can never be Tsahik!" Mo'at said brokenly.

"I have chosen him." She said softly to her mother who turned away to grieve the prosperous life Tsu'tey could've provided her.

Cries of anger and war began again, toward him.

"I am Omatikaya, I am one of you! I have the right to speak!" Jake silenced them, "I have something to say to all of you." He said suspensefully.

"The words are like stones in my heart." He whispered to Neytiri.

Grace collapsed beside Neytiri. I stared with shock down at her.

"Look- I was sent here to-" Jake cut out. Somethings happening.

I searched Tsu'tey's eyes for an answer, for closure- but I faded away.
—————Tsu'tey's POV—————
I pulled her limp body to me.

"Sanuìti, Sanuì! Wake up!" I was filled with fear. This is just like Sylwanin, she was gone.

I was out, Norm and I had been left at the cell to rest until Grace pulled us out so we could pack up.

"I can't believe this is happening." I grit my teeth and shoved my shit into my pack.

"This is how it's done. When people are sitting on shit that you want, you make them your enemy to justify the means of taking it." Jake yelled.

Trudy, in her flight suit and aviators, messy and exhausted, stopped at our desk.

"Quaritch is rolling the gunships." She looked at Jake, "he's gonna hit hometree."

"No the fuck he isn't. Not again." I stood from my chair and followed Grace out with Jake close behind.

"Doctor Grace Augustine! You cannot be up here!"

"Back off!" She shrugged off a marine, "Parker, wait! Stop! These are people you're about to- I said back off!" She slapped the marine's hand away.

"No, no no, no, no. They're fly bitten savages that-"

"Parker, if you want to keep that hand- I suggest you get it out of my face." I spat, "just like all the other clans you've destroyed, these are clans with babies, children. And these men would take their body parts as trophies, ears, queues, fingers, even their eyes! Look around you! Who do you think the real savage is?"

"Are you gonna kill children?" Grace pressed.

"Trust me, you don't want that kind of blood on your hands. Just let us talk them out, they trust us." Jake said. I glared at him.

"You got one hour."
I followed Jake and Neytiri down to the main floor.

"Father! Mother!"

"Eytukan, I have something to say!"

"Please listen!" We pleaded.

"Speak, JakeSully, Sanuìti." He motioned to us.

"A great evil is upon us, the sky people are coming to destroy hometree!" Jake warned.

"They're going to do as they did to the Meitayolo'. They'll come in with their missiles, their flames, they'll push us out of our home!"

"They're going to be here soon!" Neytiri said on Jake's behalf.

"You have to leave, or you're gonna die!" Jake says.

"Are you certain of this?" Mo'at asked.

Jake spoke first- and said something I couldn't understand.

"Look, they sent me here to learn your ways so one day I could bring this message and that you'd believe it."

Tsu'tey looked between me who backed up into him for comfort, and Jake the lying snake!

"What are you saying Jake? You knew this would happen?"

I didn't want her to be near him, I looked around for Tana'rì and her father.

As Neytiri screamed at Jake, Tsu'tey turned me around and pulled me close so that his pounding heartbeat would drown out the screams. He covered my sensitive ears with his hands.

He looked down at me, fearfully.

"Did you know this would happen?" His words hit me, he doesn't trust me either. I slapped away his hands.

"You think I'm like him? That lying idiot!?" I wrapped my own arms around me.

"No, no." He said firmer, "of course not." He pulled me back to him, behind him, away from Jake and Grace.

"Bind them." Eytukan gritted.

Tsu'tey brought Jake to his knees and tied his hands.

"Stay here, you're capable, but I need you to watch over them, protect them, guide them with Mo'at. She asked for you." Tsu'tey grabbed his bow and arrows. I nodded anxiously, as I turned, I felt regret.

"Wait!" He turned and I hugged him tightly around his thin waist. He stroked my head, rubbing my back softly.

"I'll return to you."

As he walked away, Tana'rì's father handed his daughter to me.

"Please take her, keep her safe." He pleaded. All I could do was nod and soothe the crying child as I sat by Mo'at's side.

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