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I didn't like the Sampson. It's trudy's baby, yes, but it was uncomfortable and I did my straps too tight. But the flying? Wonderful. I felt lighter than air. We got to see tetrapterons or Fkio. Purple birds that have long legs for grasping Teylu or small fish. Fairly noisy, but super cute. Like a baby.

We passed huge trees intermingled and growing far above the canopy, trees like this become kelutral or hometrees to the Na'vi. The Meitayolo' didn't have one though. They lived in the roots of large water trees and they made nets that they live in. It's a swampy wetland after all.

We followed a river to the falls and further out into the forest.

That's when we landed.

Jake got out first to look around, nothing, so I got out with my little med-pack in hand. Basic first aid.

"Shut it down, we're gonna stay a while!" Grace told Trudy. She grinned and powered it down.

"Good luck out there, guys." She murmured.

"Thanks Trudy-"

"Norm, your pack." Grace reminded Norm.

"Pack." He said panicked.

Bossing around because shes the boss.

The green of the forest is something I'm acquainted to. It's so vibrant and full of life. But it is especially here. It's beautiful, the sights and so-

The click of Jake turning off his safety and pointing at the prolemuris, or syaksyuk.

"Jesus Jake, put that away!" I hissed.

His ear flicked down at me.

"Prolemuris. They're not aggressive." Grace clarified.

Jake put his gun down.

"Relax, Marine. You're making me nervous." Grace continued on ahead.

He drifted behind us but I decided to stick close to him since I don't want him to feel alienated.

"So, how will they know we're here?" Norm asked.

"I'm sure they're watching us right now."

I looked around, "We are in their territory after all. This is their land."

"Keep moving Ess." He reminded.

Norm and Grace found a good spot to take samples, but I wasn't too interested.

"Hey Grace?"

"Yeah kid?" She didn't look up from her sample.

"Can I take a look around? I wanna see if there's any Moon berries."


"The Moon Berries. They're also called Tsìlore?"

"Sure, just be back soon."

I followed Jake through the warbonnet ferns into a field of helicordians.

Jake started to play with the shrinking plants until I heard the trumpeting of a juvenile Titanothere. I turned around to find Jake with his gun pointed at the beast.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot you'll piss him off." Grace's voice came in through her microphone. It trumpeted again and slammed its head into the plants around it.

"It's already pissed off!" Jake said.

"Jake, calm down. She's right."

"That armor is too thick. Trust me." Jake put his gun's safety on and put it up.

"It's a territorial threat display. Do not run, or he'll charge."

"The best we can do is look bigger and hope it backs away." I say.

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