2-5:Hì'i tokx'il, Tsawl txe'lan'il

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All over again, the weight of fear was back. His resolve was strong.

"Take me to her. I will help bring Grace and Sanuìti here." He demanded Jake.

"Tsu'tey, your place is here." Mo'at said.

"Ka'ani and Maru will be here in my stead. This is a personal matter." His heart felt heavy as he told his Tsahik what he felt he must do.

"Go, we will be fine for the time." Mo'at nodded.

Traveling up the roots and out into the forest, Tsu'tey was filled with dread. What would he find? What does she look like like this? How much pain is she in? What is she dying from? She's dying? He felt weak inside. Both heavy hearted and light headed.

Jake wasn't far ahead, he came to a stop, he moved vines away from the clearing.

"They're in here." He referred to the casket shaped metal box. Tsu'tey found the nearest glass window and peered inside, hoping to glance upon a familiar face. His eyes darted from the shocked pale human to the two sickly women lying on a blue and metal bed.

"Give them a moment, it's just Norm whose able to bring them out to us. He'll be bringing Grace's avatar." Jake said.

It took sometime, but Norm managed to get a mask on Sanuìti and Grace, and get Grace to Jake, and her.

"Here, she's in worse condition and you'll have to be careful." Norm handed the small woman to Tsu'tey.

She was thin, naturally tanned, but not her normal color, it's like she was drained of all life with the exception of a spark.

As Tsu'tey picked her up, he couldn't believe how small she was, how light she felt to carry. He cradled her like he would with a child. He tucked her long dark hair over his arm so it didn't tug when he moved around.

"Ah, Tsu'tey." She grinned up at him. She smelt earthy, foreign, but natural. Almost floral even.

"Sanuì. I was worried I'd never see you again." He admitted, the tightness in his throat prevented him from saying anymore.

The journey back was scary. When he moved over large roots or descended down the valley, she would make small pained noises that she would try to silence by her own will.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He would apologize every time. It almost made her feel guilty for being injured.

As he moved down the roots towards the tree of souls. He looked at his people, admiring their willingness to help these people who seemed to betray them. Their spirits are still strong.

As he set her down near Grace, he readjusted the small pack that was filtering the air in her mask.

"This place is truly beautiful Tsu'tey." She seemed dizzy and full of curiosity.

"Sshhh, just rest. The ceremony is ready."
I glanced to Grace, maybe she has a better idea what's happening? She shook her head at me. Something tingly is happening. Are those the roots moving? It's glowing and pretty. It's warm.

"The great mother may choose to save, all that they are, in these bodies." Mo'at explained to Jake. Their conversation began to fade as something touched my being. Like my soul or something.

When I woke up, I was in the same place as before. Just out of my body.


I turned and saw Grace.

"Grace, what's happening?" I looked at my hands. It's so vibrant, every sensation is enhanced. Except the pain.

"Children of Gaia, what are you doing in my realm?" A large woman, motherly and welcome in appearance, seemed genuinely confused at our presence.

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