1-7:Tsam'uk Ikran

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We began our climb into hometree and as we reached what I recognized as their nesting grounds for their ikrans.

"Are you familiar with Ikrans?" He asked while readying a treat for what I presumed was his ikran.

"Yes but only the large ones, sea ikrans and long distance fliers, not mountain ikrans."

"What's the difference?"

"Large, longer wings, travel in flocks or alone, territorial to other groups. Fierce hunters, silvery stomach, vivid and more colorful to attract fish."

He simply nodded and called down his Ikran.
He was a brilliant blue with hues of purple and accents of orange and yellow. His markings are intricate and take up most of his form. His skin is nearly reflective from the few collecting on it from the morning mist.

"He is called Tsam'uk."

"War shadow?"

"Yes, it was my brother who helped me choose such a name. I hope, if I ever ride into battle, it will be with him."

"Your brother or Tsam'uk?"

"Tsam'uk. Arvok is a child." He clarified, "if you are to complete Iknimaya, it is more likely that you'll bond with a mountain ikran rather than the type you're accustomed to seeing."

"I can still hope."

"You can, but if your heart doesn't belong to Eywa's oceans, then it's not likely you'll be drawn there by your ikran."

He mounted his ikran and demonstrated what skill it takes to fly. It was utterly stunning.
Trudy and Norm have started their own love affair, so that's adorable, but I don't like walking in on them when I'm trying to get snacks from the fridge.

Jake's na'vi is improving a lot, not necessarily where Neytiri or I thought he'd be so we've been co-teaching. Though, we disagree sometimes on how to teach him better. She says I'm too soft to be a teacher. Thank god I'm not a teacher.

Jake sweet-talked Mo'at into giving Grace and Norm a hall pass. That's probably why Norm is in a better mood lately. Now Grace makes us coffee in the morning. But that does mean Trudy has to pick it up in bulk.

Now the children are drawn to the two scientists which means less time with the rest of them and more time for Tana'rì.

She's not getting any better at speaking, she only speaks a few words and stays silent most of the time. She can communicate well, but most of it is in a form of sign language in familiar to me, so I decided to talks to Tana'rì's father, Ronong about learning it.
"Oh no, I don't know it as well as Tana'rì's mother or her clan. If I knew better, I would teach you, but I only know as much as I need to." He set down his basket of Tana'rì's things, they were moving into hammocks so that Tana'rì can grow accustomed to it.

"So then, where can I learn this?"

"You would have to go to the coastal clan, they're called the Payrangal, they are the north-most clan to the ocean."

"How did you two meet then?"

"Oh, their clan split from the Tayrangi and Entu, our first Toruk Maktoyu, mediated since his position became about all na'vi and not just the Omatikaya. So, with such good relations with them, when they have something we need or they need something from us, we would send gatherers there and etcetera. And I was a gatherer and so was she. We met here, I met there but I had to retire when she left Tana'rì in my care."
It was out of the question that I visit them. That's way too far to travel by pa'li. It's about 1302 miles there and traveling by pa'li would take anywhere from 32 to 16 days if we run nonstop. But if we take breaks like all people need it would be anywhere from 70-65 days.

I'm sure Tana'rì can teach me some of it with her limited range of speech.
This morning, Sorewn's mother passed and it's very sad but she doesn't seem too distressed. She's taking her family on a pilgrimage to the tree of souls. I suppose it's a spiritual thing. This clan is incredibly spiritual.

Also, Jake finished his kill so well be going to Iknimaya soon I guess. Which means that my search for Kea can get more serious. I almost forgot about her and that's... not... it makes me feel terrible. But I know I'll find her. I have to.

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