2-6:Aysìpe'un'il Ngäzìk'it

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After the speech Jake and the warriors went to spread the message of war, Sanuìti and Tsu'tey had some things to sort out.

"Tana'rì!" The small girl ran up into the arms of her current guardian. Sanuì hugged the small girl tightly, she was relieved to see no injuries on her.

"Tsu'tey? Her father?" Sanuì asked quietly.

Tsu'tey grimaced at the thought. He pulled her up and whispered to her.

"We couldn't find him. She declared you as her mother. By the rules of our clan, you are her mother now as long as you accept the responsibility." Tsu'tey said. He was concerned for her. Motherhood is hard, motherhood of a nearly silent child, may be a struggle for her.

"I accept, I'd have it no other way given the circumstances."

"Sanuìti, Tsu'tey. We have much to discuss." Mo'at called them up to the tree.

Following her, they were seated under the tree together. They both were hesitant to be confronted with tough questions, but now was the time for tough questions.

"Tsu'tey, you love her, do you not?" Mo'at addressed Tsu'tey first.

"Without question, matriarch. My heart belongs to Sanuìti." He answered. The older woman now turned her attention to the flustered and emotional Sanuìti.

"Do you feel the same for Tsu'tey?" She laid a comforting hand on Sanuìti's, "speak freely child, there is no shame in what you feel."

"I... I do love Tsu'tey. I love Tsu'tey more than I've loved anyone before." She confessed quietly. Just above a whisper, tears stinging her eyes and threatening to fall.

"Why such questions, matriarch?" Tsu'tey took Sanuìti's other hand and squeezed it comfortingly.

The matriarch's face twisted slightly, she was conflicted.

"Sanuìti's place is unclear. But I know it is not with the Omatikaya. Another Tsahik has sensed her, through Eywa. And I was asked a question. One I cannot answer for her." She turned back to Sanuì.

"Do you feel the call? Do you see it in dreams? The forest clan on the beach. The islands. Do you know their name?" She pleaded with the young woman for some clarity.

"I see the islands in dreams, the forest, the sand, the mountains. Payrangal." Tsu'tey glanced at his beloved with weariness in his eyes. What does this mean?

"Child, Tsahik Nenì'it te Paytxewm Payo'ite has asked to meet with you. It seems to be of great importance."

"Matriarch, what does this mean?" Taunted interjected.

"Sanuìti's place is there. And you are our Olo'eyktan by Eytukan's request. We have choices." Mo'at addressed them both, "Sanuìti can reject the call, stay here with the Omatikaya. Tsu'tey, you can denounce your leadership to anyone of your choosing. Or you can travel with her, follow the order I had given you earlier, see out her journey until her questions are answered."

The options were heavy, but the most optimal was the last. But that would leave the clan without an Olo'eyktan for an unknown amount of time.

"Can this question wait until this problem is resolved? The battle will come first."

"She's right, matriarch. The war must pass first." Tsu'tey confirmed.

"As you two wish. I will leave you to talk. Come with me Tana'rì." The woman got to her feet and brought the child with her, the couple had much to talk about.
A heavy weight in my chest made it hard to breathe. I got up first to follow Mo'at and Tana'rì, but Tsu'tey's hand caught my wrist.

"You've been having dreams?" He made me face him as he tucked a stray braid away over my ear.

"I thought it was my human home for a time, we lived on an island in an ocean before this, I thought I was homesick, but my home was never so green and it didn't have islands which floated and a tree like this." I motioned up to the tree and my hand brushed his shoulder as it fell.

"Another clan?" His brows turned up while his lips corners fell.

"I guess so."

"Do we have to part for this to work?" His hands rested on my face, warm. The soft pads of his thumbs stroked my cheeks on either side of my face.

"You love your clan. You're their leader. I can't ask you to part from them." I tried to pull away, turning slightly.

"But you can-" he grabbed my hand, holding it over his heart, "say the word, command me, ask me to leave with you. I will leave my clan because you are my home."

"You'll ruin your life on a love you've only felt for a few months. Tsu'tey, you have no future with me."

"I'm content with whatever time I get to have with you. It doesn't matter how much time it is, my life, or even a few days, I want to spend that time with you."

My heart feels heavy and those stinging tears spill over. I shake my head emotionally. The motion of my head, my pursed lips in a frown, my burning tears, I feel so sick.

"Yes, yes." He says firmly, "my choice is with you, but it is your decision to go or to make me stay." He catches my head, his hand gently guided me closer to him, pressing his forehead to mine.

"I want you to be with me, but your place is here! It's too hard of a decision to make! How cruel! How cruel for a question like this to be put on me! I came here for one thing and it was my sister! But now it's so much more than that." I dropped to my knees after pulling away from Tsu'tey. He got to his knees, following me.

"I wish I could make this decision for you, I wish I could take away your pain, but I cannot." He squeezed my hand.

"I can't choose. All I know is that I want you."

"Once this battle is over, I will give the title of Olo'eyktan to Jakesully. He is Toruk Makto now, the clan will follow him."

"Is he truly the best option? Ka'ani has shown compassion, leadership qualities."

"Ka'ani is too young. He doesn't know what it is like to lead. I never really wanted to be Olo'eyktan after all."


"No, I just loved Sylwanin." He replied curtly.
As the couple conversed more, they found eachother more firmly deciding on Tsu'tey giving up the position to Jake. Neytiri was the future Tsahik regardless of if she wanted the position. No one else has her qualities or qualifications.

And then it came to the question of them.

"What could the Tsahik of the Payrangal want with you?" Tsu'tey asked.

"I don't know them, but my sister might have met them. It's not too far to travel for two years."

"It's a small chance, but I don't know how else they'd know you."

"Me either."

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