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Chapter IV: Bothered By My Dream, Bothered By His Past


"You're mine." He smiled, broad palms enveloping mine as he pilled me closer to him.

"All yours, Zayn." I smiled back, going on my tippytoes as I locked eyes with his luscious brown ones.

"Good," he whispered, cupping my chin and pressing his forehead against mine.

I just smiled at his scent, fluttering my eyes shut at how good it was.

"Zayn?" I questioned.

"Mm?" He answered, pulling me into a tight hug and running his fingers through my long hair.

"I wanna kiss you."

"You what?" He asked, almost surprised.

"I said, I Want.To.Kiss.You." I repeated, taking each syllables slowly, as if I was speaking Whale Latin or any slow languages like that. Maybe Harry Styles' language. That lad sure does speak slow.

Zayn just let go of my and simply stared at my eyes, an almost cocky smile running across his pink lips. He cupped my chin once again and fluttered his eyes close when I closed my eyes, faces literally a centimeter away from each other. We were both breathing heavily, almost intoxicated at each other's minty breaths.

Taking me by surprise, he closed the gap between us and smacked his soft lips with mine. We kissed. Zayn and I ki-

What?! Kissed?! No, no, no! We did no- No! What?! How?! This doesn't even make sense!

"Arvina!" My brother shook me constantly, spitting my name into my ears, "Aaaaaa-rvinaaaa!"

"What?!" I yelled back, smacking his hands away from me.

"You kept on saying no, no, and more no! You fucking woke me up and I don't work till two o'clock!" He yelled again, "you ok?"

Is he serious? He yells at me to wake up, then he asks me if I'm oka- wait, it was just a dream! Phew!

"What time is it, Nash?" I asked, rubbing my eyes as I sigh in relief that everything was just a dream.

"Seven o'clock." He stretched, making his way out of my room.

"Shit!" I gasped, literally jumping out my bed and scurried off to the bathroom, almost tripping on my own feet.

"Naaaaaash!" I yelled, banging on the door.

Ugh. My brother's doing it again - beating me to the bathroom when he knows well I'm running late.

"Nash! Open this damn door!" I banged again and again and again, now getting annoyed, "Aeanne's picking me up in exactly fifteen minutes!"

"It's not my fault you wanted to drool over some guy in your dreams!" He yelled out, laughing, followed by an annoying mock, "Zayn, I wanna kiss you! Oh, Zayn! I said I want to kiss you!" He finally opened the door, smirking at me, "hurry."

"I.Hate.You!" I punched his right arm, giving him a serious glare before pushing him out of the bathroom.

"Love ya too, lil sis!" He laughed again as soon as I closed the door on his face.

"Ugh. Stupid." I mumbled as I turned on the faucet, wetting my face with the cold water.

I applied the cleanser and gently massaged my face with it. When I closed my eyes to rinse my face, I saw it again - the dream.

"You're mine."

"All yours, Zay-"

Stop it! mentally slapped myself, shaking my head as I dried my face.

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