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Chapter Thirty-Seven: I Should've Kissed You


"How bad was the accident?" I asked before I could stop myself, having a hard time to swallow the painful lump in my throat.

Bradley studied my face carefully before answering. "Fatal," he bit his lower lip the same damn way his cousin would whenever he was feeling anxious and kicked some pebbles under his feet, "he's in a critical condition. We're not sure how he's holding up..." he paused for a minute before looking me in the eye, "...or if he'd even hold up." What did he even mean by that?

I couldn't believe Brad. This is some kind of a sick joke - it has to be! Zayn was just with me yesterday, he can't possibly be in a critical condition now, can he? I just stared at Brad, waiting for him to crack a smile and blurt out "just kidding!" but he didn't. Instead, he just stared back at me and when I got a longer look at his eyes I saw that he'd been crying too.

"Hey, listen, I gotta go." He inhaled sharply after our five minute staring contest and handed me a piece of paper, "Arvina if you need anything, don't hesitate to give me a call." And just like that, he was gone.

I watched Bradley drive away before looking at the paper where his number was scribbled messily. I tucked it in my jean pocket and started to head home; my hands couldn't stop shaking at the thought of Zayn in the hospital after getting into a horrible accident. How was it even possible that we were watching a film together as if nothing happened between us and next thing you know he doesn't show up in school and after his cousin almost runs me over for the second time, I find out that he's in a critical condition?

Millions of thoughts ran through my head, one of them being intrigued with which two friends he was with. Louis, Niall, and I have had our differences in the past but I hoped that it wasn't them. No matter how much it would make sense for it to be them, I hoped to all of the gods in every religion ever existed that Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan were not in the accident.

I tried to call Aeanne's phone again, but it led me straight to voice mail. I know it sounds stupid but I wanted to ask her if she's heard anything from Niall. I wanted to know he was fine and I had a gut feeling that she would somehow know anything about this.

My anxiety was starting to kill me as I continued my walk home. Nothing made sense. Why did Alizia try to stop Liam and Harry from telling me this? And what did she mean that I don't know what I've done to her? What have I done to her? She's made my life a living hell from primary school and all throughout high school. What could have I possibly done that she hates me so damn much?

"Looks like you're deep in thought, lil sis." My brother's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. He was standing in front of our house, leaning against his car with a dark look on his face. I frowned and angrily stomped towards him, folding my arms across my chest.

"Where the hell have you been?!" I spoke through gritted teeth. "I came home from West Withering and who do I see here? Auntie! I woke up this morning and who do I see here? Not you, that's for damn sure!"

"Woah," he chuckled, "chill out. I was... out."

"Chill out?!" I started to speak a little louder now. I couldn't believe him. "Nash, you had me worried! What the hell's been up with you lately?!"

"You're my little sister, Arvina," he rolled his eyes before walking into our house, "you're not mom and you'll never be her even if you tried your damnest."

His last words stung. Seriously, what the fuck is his problem? Just because he's having relationship problems - in which he got himself into in the first place - and just because I'm his little sister and I'm so used to cleaning up his mess, doesn't mean he could dump all of his problems on me and disappear when I'm the one who needs him. He's so freaking inconsiderate, it's ridiculous.

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