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Chapter Thirty-Three: Surprises By The Fire


"We're not going to this bonfire, right?" Jaimie said impatiently.

"Okay, fine, you guys don't have to go." I rolled my eyes, fixing my salty wet hair into a bun. "But I already told him I was going."

"Do you even know anything else about him other than the fact that his name is Gavin?" Aeanne looked up at me from the sand as she spreads sunscreen lotion on her arms.

"And that he's a part-time bartender, full-time surfer?" Jaimie rose her eyebrow at me, folding her arms on top of each other.

"And that he's hot-" Aeanne added, but Leanne immediately cut her off.

"She's doing this to get to know him better." The black haired girl rolled her eyes at the two. "I don't see her complaining about you guys hanging out with those two lifeguards?"

"Yeah, well-" Jaimie began, but I interrupted her.

"We won't stay long, I promise!" I smiled.

"Well." Aeanne looked at us expectantly, shrugging a little. "I guess nothnig's bad about that."

I just grinned at her thankfully and gave all of them a big hug, Aeanne's lotion getting all over the croptop that I wore above my bikini. Jaimie opened our picnic basket and started eating a vegetable burger and Leanne opened a can of Diet Coke, only sipping a little before grimacing and grabbing a bottle of water from the cooler instead. Jaimie laughed at her pickiness and tossed me a can of Coke, but I tossed the Coke to Aeanne and grabbed a Pepsi for myself.

"There was absolutely no point for that." Leanne said after sipping on her water. "They taste the same."

"Pepsi's blue." I shrugged.

"Are you sure you're smart?" Leanne asked sarcastically with widened eyes before closing her bottle again and shaking her head. "I can't sense any brain from you."

I frowned offensively but she just shrugged, smirking. I'm not sure whether Leanne and I are friends or not. Ten percent of the time, she supports my decisions and the other percent, well...she compares my intelligence to insects.

After Jaimie finished her burger, we all reapplied sunscreen on each other then headed back to the water for another couple hours.  When the sun was about to set and the waves started to get bigger as the wind picked up its pace, we decided to head out of the water and stay on the sand to dry.

Aeanne had her towel laid on the sand and she was laying flat on her stomach, sunglasses hiding her sleepy eyes. Leanne and Jaimie were talking about something that I could care less about and for the hundredth time today, I was left alone with my thoughts.

What thoughts? Zayn. Yep. The heartless fucker still hasn't left my mind and I want it to go away so badly. It's like all I could think about was his smile and how the moon reflected on his eyes the moment that we were standing at the park, getting completely snowed on before he gently pressed his lips with mine. The way he thought everything was going to take me away from him; how protective he got whenever we were in public. The way my fingers literally matched perfectly with his. The way that his scent would linger on my body after hugging him tightly for a long time, all the while making me feel unbelievably safe and secure. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of his sarcastic remarks and how he said 'proper' a lot. His perfectly gelled quiff and his laugh that even though I rarely ever heard, I was addicted to.  His playful smirk and the way he bit his lip when he was anxious. I couldn't help but think that after everything that I know now, I'm still thinking about him.

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