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Chapter Fourteen: His Snowangel. HIS only. 


I sighed in annoyance, putting my hair in a fish-tail braid. I borrowed a black coat from Aeanne. It was a black trench coat that had six buttons going from the chest to the waist area. The cloth used was a windbreaker, making the harsh weather waiting for me outside a bit nicer. The coat had a circular collar and a bow belt, the length forming into a balloon right above my knees. I also borrowed one of her black leg warmers and wore them under the black jeans that I also borrowed from her. I found my thick laced sweater in Aeanne's closet and decided to put it on, also borrowing a pair of black, high-heeled, knee-length boots from her shoe racks.

I was tucking in the hem of the jeans in the boots when I received a call from Zayn. I cursed underneath my breath, not really wanting to pick it up. Aeanne closed her laptop and stood up to help me get ready as I slid the green button to answer his call.

"How long does it take you to get ready?" He huffed.

"How long does it take you to be patient?" I rolled my eyes.

"Hurry up." He groaned.

"Whatever." I groaned back before hanging up.

Aeanne looked at me from the hem of the sweater with a smug smile and arched eyebrow sculpted on her face. She tightened the ribbon of the trench coat before standing up to meet my gaze.

"Ooooh, someone's thrilled to be with the fifth ass." She joked, smirking.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

She just giggled at my response, straightening the coat once more before practically shoving me out of her room. She wrapped my neck with a black knit scarf and topped my head with a cashmere slouch beanie and a pair of black spotted ear muffs, grinning cheekily.

"I think he can wait a little longer." I said in a rush, getting pushed out of her house.

"I don't think so," she giggled, pointing at the house across hers, "Lord Ass is waiting at the first ass' doorstep."

I stuffed my gloved hands inside the coat pockets, rings of smoke escaping my lips when  

I breathed out. I looked at Aeanne once more and she gave me an assuring look, shivering at the coldness of the barely-spring-weather. She wasn't wearing any thick clothings, so I urged to go back inside before she gets sick. She just nodded at me and gave me a lingering hug before obliging and going back inside her house.

I turned to face the house in front of my best friend's again. I could barely see Zayn from the drops of the heavy snow, but I sensed his tall figure somewhere near Niall's doorstep. He waved at me and his white teeth shined a smile. I waved back, barely smiling. We met each other halfway, and I was glad that I could finally see him.

He was wearing a black thick turtleneck sweater inside of an unzipped brown bubble jacket that had a fur as the hood. His brown winter boots matched the brown leather belt that held his light jeans together. His beautiful hair was hidden underneath a black beanie, two gloveless hands stuffed inside his jean pockets.

"Hi." He smiled.

"Hi yourself." I rolled my eyes, still annoyed that he's making me walk all the way to Everett Park.

"Alright," he laughed, "we can just go to Harriett, if you'd like."

"Nevermind that," I scoffed, "seems like you already have everything planned."

"But I don't want you to be annoyed all night." He pouted.

"I'll just follow your lead, dammit." I mocked his words earlier before walking my way to Everett.

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