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Chapter Twenty-Two: Enough Confessions


 "I'm sorry I hid everything from you." Aeanne bit her lip awkwardly, looking at me as she fiddles with her index fingers.

"I understand why you did what you did," I told her for the billionth time that night, frowning, "I just don't understand why you thought it was fine to hide this from me for three years. I'm your best friend, Aeanne, for fuck's sake."

"I know," she sighed, eyes meeting her fingers. "I'm sorry."

"So if it's over between you and Niall, why did you keep the promise ring?" I asked.

"I don't know, really." She shrugged. "I guess it's to remind myself all of the promises we made to each other. My promises to him, his promises to me."

"I guess that makes sense." I shrugged as well. "It's just-"

"I know, Arvina," she rolled her eyes, "you're upset about it."

"Well, I have every reason to be upset about it." I arched my eyebrow at her, crossing my arms above my chest. "It made me feel like you don't trust me, you know that? Like...like you think I'd just turn my back on you because of that. I just can't believe you'd hide something big like that from me, Aeanne. You know I care about you a lot and knowing you were hurt and I was completely oblivious about it? That's just...I honestly don't even know how to feel about it."

"Why can't you put yourself in my situation?" She asked, suddenly defensive. "If you were in my shoes, you would've done what I did!"

"I think I'd tell you." I frowned. "I told you what's going on with me and Zayn, I don't think that's fair."

"Exactly, you think." She protested. "And you didn't tell me what's going on between you and Zayn until your little walk to the park. It took five months for you to tell me. It isn't that easy, Arvina."

"Five months is a little bit shorter than three years, don't you think?" I asked sarcastically.

"You're just so...uggggh!" She yelled in annoyance before plopping down on her bed and burying her face with a pillow. "You're so insensitive and unconsiderate and ugggh!"

"Well you're so ugh yourself." I frowned, standing up from her bed angrily.

She poked her eyes out from the pillow, eyebrows furrowing into a frown. I looked at her straight in the eyes and arched my eyebrow before she hid herself again and talking through muffled words.

"I didn't tell you because I knew you'd act this way." She said, tone a little lower now so I could barely understand what she was saying. "I knew from the very first you hated Niall and you'd never trust him with me. But I really liked him. God, I was head over heels for him. I just did what I thought would be the best for everyone."

"And for Josh?" I asked, matter-of-factly. "I don't think it was the best thing for him."

"Just shut up ok!" She yelled. "Shut up and try to get what I'm saying through your thick head!"

"You know what?" I frowned, grabbing my belongings and heading out of her door; yelling as well. "I don't have to! I'm done for the night. Bye."

She just laid there, not bothering to look at me. I breathed in sharply and headed out of her room, slamming her door on my way. When I got downstairs, a confused looking Andy was sitting on the couch. He looked at me with arched eyebrows and questioning eyes, mouth opened slightly.

"Did you know about Niall?" I frowned.

"Our neighbor?" He blinked. "What about him?"

"Nevermind." I sighed heavily, shaking my head as I hovered over to their front door.

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