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Chapter 17: Ditched


The last bell finally rang, making me run out of my last class. I made an agreement with my two 'husbands', and they're both keeping the babies for the night. I went to my locker and shoved my books in there, and when I was done, someone closed it for me.

"Hi." Zayn smiled, pinning me against the locker; both of his hands pressed beside my head.

"Hey." I smiled back.

"Let's go home together." He pecked my nose before pushing himself up and offering his hand to me.

"Okay." I merely mumbled, accepting his hand and entwining it with mine.

We walked hand-in-hand in the school's parking lot, everyone's glares slowly calming down. Aeanne looked at me when we passed her in front of the gymnasium, and I smiled assuringly at her, subliminally telling her that I'd be riding home with Zayn. She just nodded at me, grinning childishly before finally walking out with Jaimie and Zoe.

Zayn tugged me towards his car, helping me get in and buckling me before jogging towards the driver's side, doing the same thing for him, and driving away.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" He looked at me hopefully, smiling.

"Not that I know of." I shrugged, looking at him, "Why?"

"Do you want to go out for dinner?"

"You know what I just realized?" I frowned.

"What?" He took a quick glance at me before fixing his eyes with the road again.

"You never answer my questions."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, when we were in the coffee shop," I looked at him, nibbling on my bottom lip, "when I asked you if you cheat on your relationships, all you said was you never said you do."

"Well, I gave you an answer then." He arched his eyebrow at me.

"No." I shook my head. "Do you? Or do you not? It's a yes or no question, I'm not questioning what you said."

"Are you doubting me?" He blinked. "Doubting my faithfulness in this relationship?"

"Relationship?" I mumbled to myself. Wait. He avoided my question again.

Hold on. Relationship? Where do we exactly stand? What are we doing with our lives? Are we together or are we not? Is he serious about 'us' or is this a part of his games? Somehow, the thought of being with him intimidated me. I swear, Zayn makes me overthink a lot.

"You avoided my question." I pointed out.

"So did you."

"Zayn." I frowned, looking at me seriously.

"Fine," he sighed, "no, no I don't cheat."

"Have you ever cheated on someone?"

"Have I ever said I did?"

"There you go again." I rolled my eyes, looking away from him.

He stayed silent for about five minutes, and I was suddenly scared to find out. Why is this question so hard for him to answer, anyway? It's just a simply yes or no question.

"Yes." He breathed out the heavy burden, finally breaking the silence. "I've cheated on someone before. But knowing how much pain it caused her, I swore not to do it again."

"Oh." I bit my lip shut, unsure of what to say next.

"Meet me by Overland Park at eight o'clock, sharp." He quickly changed the subject, making a turn in my street.

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