XI (Part I)

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Author's Note:


.............SOON. >:D



Chapter XI: Back To Its Usual Ways


"Hello." The guy, who I now know as JC, approached us, similar smile as Zayn's sculpted on his face.

"Hi." I greeted back, smiling.

"Hi, JC!" Aeanne, the more outgoing one, greeted.

"Hi, Aeanne." The tanned boy smiled politely at her.

"Are you going at the dance?" Aeanne smiled brightly, pointing at the barely visible Eiffel Tower cutout at the back of my brother's car.

"Hmm..." JC pursed his lips, as if the question was the hardest decision he'd ever make, "should I?"

"You should!" The shorter girl giggled, "me and Arvina worked hard on the decorations and stuff! I'll expect to see you there, okay? You're going whether you like it or not!"

"Always the demanding one." JC grinned before leaning closer to poke Aeanne's nose.

"That, I am." My best friend stuck her tongue out, "so you are going, alright?"

"Fine." He laughed, "I'll see you later, Aeanne."

He waved at us once again before turning his back and return to the house just across from mine. I've realized that he's been here for a week now and yet, my best friend knows him, while I don't. It's amazing how I don't even know my own neighbors.

No more than three feet away from us, Aeanne called him out again. He swiftly spun around with so much grace, a beaming grin greeting Aeanne as he tilts his head to side.

"Yes?" He cooed.

"I forgot! I feel so rude!" The Filipino girl frantically exclaimed as she pointed at me, "this is my best friend, Arvina. Arvina, this is JC, he's new here!"

"Oh. Hello, Arvina." He saluted me, smiling his almost perfect smile.

"Hello to you to too, JC." I saluted back, smiling.

"Well," Aeanne interrupted, "we've got lots of stuff to do. See you later, JC."

He just nodded at us, still smiling. Aeanne waved bye at him and I synched her motions until JC finally turned around went back to his house. I walked towards my front door and unlocked it, quickly rushing to my room with Aeanne behind me.

"What should we do?" She asked, sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Do you want to do anything? I think we should go get our stuff ready now, actually, since we'll be leaving for the dance prep' soon." I hovered over to my bedside drawers to look for the glue gun and other decoration details that we could use.

Aeanne just ignored me and made her way towards my closet to - what I'm guessing - look for a dress that we could wear for the dance later, as well as pair of shoes and some jewelry, though she'll probably have those in her mystical sassy bag.

- - -

Aeanne and I left my house around eleven-thirty. We've brought our dress and other formal items with us at the back of Nash's car just in case Coach Cook urge us to stay so we could announce Miss and Mister Cupid and the other dance courts. We'll most likely have to be there because Coach Cook will say, "you should stay, you've worked so hard for this dance! You deserve to have fun." Yeah, we just know it. We know Coach Cook like that, that we just know exactly what his excuse is going to be just to make us stay.

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