14. Conference

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Chapter 14



Today really wasn't the day for a press conference. After finding out about Loki everyone was bound to have a rather bad day. Good thing we all had our masks. Otherwise we might have looked a bit too intimidating.


Mommy was grumpy. Really really grumpy. I could feel her grumpiness and that made me feel a little bit grumpy. I sat beside Marie in the long car and it drove to the back and we were taken to the back of the thing from there. There were a bunch of snacks and some drinks. I still didn't know why we were here though. I ate some of the candy but not too much. If I ate too much then my tummy would hurt. That's what mommy says anyways.

"Paige," Marie said getting my attention. She crouched down to my level."You remember Brooke right?" I nodded glancing up at the lady with the phone and the clipboard. I saw her earlier this morning when she announced that we would be having this conference. "Well she's going to watch you until your mommy comes to get you, alright" I pouted my lips.

"But I wanna stay with you" I said. She sighed and closed her eyes for a brief moment like she was debating something.

"I know but I still have some things to take care of. Be good for Brooke ok? I'll see you soon." She said before leaving me alone with Brookie.

I looked up at her and she glanced down at me. A big fat fake smile grew in her face. "We are going to have the best time together!"

I want mommy.

Brookie made me stay with her and made sounds at me that made me scared. She told me that she could just eat me and I don't think I would taste very good. She gave me some m&ms but they didn't taste like the chocolate ones. They didn't taste good either. I started to sneeze at first but then I started not to be able to feel my face. I looked up at Brookie only to find her on her phone probably working. It began getting harder to breathe. I remember when it hurt to breathe last time and mommy made people fix it. She can do it again. I ran as fast as I could to the curtain where she went through. There was a man there in all black with a word on his shirt but I didn't know what it said.

"мама!" I shouted. My voice started going away too. I ran onto the stage and to mommies chair. I went past Mr. Loud and Brucie to get to her. "C-can't breathe." I couldn't hear myself so I don't think she heard me either but she picked me up before I couldn't see anything anymore.


I knew that damned PR agent wouldn't watch her. I wouldn't be surprised if she even handed the nuts to her. I rushed into action. The Epi-Pen wouldn't be administered fast enough. We'd have to find it first anyways. I headed her off to Rogers who was standing up along with everyone else. I ignored all the camera flashes. They weren't important right now.

"Rogers! Hospital now!" He took off running without another word. I sped walk off the stage but not before hearing Clint's voice on the mic.

"This conference is over." When I walked past the curtains the first person I saw was Brooke.

"What are you doing?! Get back on the stage-"


Everyone heard it. I'm pretty sure everyone felt it.

"You incompetent b^tch!" I shouted.

"You just broke my nose." She said on the verge of crying. I would've given her something to cry for if it weren't for someone holding me back.

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