12. Mischievous

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Chapter 12



"So," Stark started. "Who's up for dinner, on me" he announced.

"Isn't it always?" I quipped.

"I'm in the mood for shawarma. Shawarma anyone?"

"We should probably wait for Nat and Paige. I doubt she wants Paige eating anything that would be too spicy."

"Yeah she's been kinda picky lately"

"Who's been picky?" Nats voice said. We all turned around to see Nat with arms crossed and Paige with her hands behind her back and her head tilted in amusement. I glanced back at Stark who had paled the slightest bit.

"Yep, you're on your own for this one Stark" I said. "c'mere kiddo" I crouched down and Paige ran into my arms. I picked her up and she sat on my waist wrapping her small arm around my neck.

"Awe cmon! I'm on my own for all of them!" He complained.

"Alright, alright. Stark stop getting yourself into these situations and Natasha, stop scaring him it's starting to cause a scene" Steve said glancing at the two agents who immediately fled the moment he laid eyes on them.

"He's right, lets just go and eat" Bruce said speaking up.

"Where are we eating?" Paige asked.

"We don't know yet. Why don't you choose" I suggested.

"Umm, somewhere with dinosaur nuggets" she said. I grinned.

"You guys heard her, we need to go somewhere with the dinosaur nuggets"


Stark insisted that we took a limo since all of us wouldn't fit in a regular car. Tasha argued at first since there wasn't a car seat for Paige but soon got over it. We arrived at a restaurant and exchanged worried looks when the place was surrounded by paparazzi, press, and fans. If we got out with Paige there would be a lot of assumptions not to mention she would catch the eye of a few enemies.

"We have to get out at some point" Stark said obviously getting tired of waiting.

"We need to figure out what we're going to do with Paige. If Natasha doesn't want her being seen by the public then we need to respect that" Bruce said.

"Well can we think a bit faster, we're holding up traffic" He complained.

"How about we get out here and the limo driver can take Natasha and Paige to the back of the restaurant?" Steve suggested.

"Yeah, we can eat at a table in the back where no one can see us" Tony added. He looked up thoughtfully. "Yeah, I like it, lets go" Tony said opening the door and getting out.

"Well I obviously didn't get a say" I heard Tasha mutter. "C'mere Paige" Paige slid off of the limo seat and went over to Nat. I got out of the limo and walked into the restaurant, just as the limo took off. Stark had already gotten through with requesting a table and we were seated immediately.

"Drinks.W-what would you all like to drink? Can I get you all something to drink o-or something?" The waiter stuttered.

"We're still waiting for someone" I told him. The young waiter nodded and scurried off almost scared. Apparently no one was fazed by the waiters shock...

A few minute later Nat and Paige came through the back door. "Sorry for the delay, the limo driver was being pissy" Natasha said with an eye roll.

"He's really mean" Paige said with a frown.

"In that case he's gone" Tony said picking up his phone and texting. There was a simple beep and a message was sent "Done" he said putting his phone away.

"W-would you like a booster seat?" The waiter stuttered.

"Yes, please" Steve said. We watched the waiter scurry off and come back fumbling with the seat.

"I wanna color!" She announced.

"Color! I'll be right back!" The waiter said before running off and getting one of the kids menus.

"He's more scared than Mr. No-Manners when Mommy yells at him" Paige whispers in my ear. I couldn't resist the urge to chuckle. The waiter came back with a kids menu and some coloring utensils for Paige. She smiled politely and the waiter had then asked what we'd like to drink. Nat and Paige went back and forth on whether or not Paige could have sprite. Paige won but was given an earlier bedtime. After the waiter came back with the drinks Paige took a sip of hers and immediately started coughing. I had patted her back while Nat had handed the drink back to the waiter and ordered a small water.

"Bubbly" She said after her coughing fit.

"You've never had sprite before дорогая, I don't understand why you would want it now." Paige smiled sheepishly and went back to coloring.

"Mommy what's it say?" She asked Natasha.

"Match the ones that look alike." She explained.

"Umm...this one and this one?" She asked?

"That's right" she answered. Nat continued to look over the menu and when the waiter came back to take the orders. He looked fairly distracted to say the least.

"Mommy he's looking at you're boobies." Paige announced while still coloring the paper. Nat looked up at the waiter with her most intimidating glare. He pissed his pants and shook with fear. I swear I saw Paige smirk. It was then Rogers stopped blushing and stood up.

"Son, I'm going to need you to apologize." He said in his most authoritative Captain American voice.

"Sorry, sir...but she's hot."

"What's that mean mommy? Are you sick?" Paige asked innocently reaching for Nat's forehead. Nat put her down.

"I'm fine honey, I'll be right back. Cap, I've got this." She said in an emotionless tone. Paige only shrugged as Nat got up to most likely scare the waiter even more. When they were out of sight we all looked at Paige with an accusing look.

"Staring is rude" She said without looking up. We turned our attention back to Nat who looked fairly satisfied.

"We aren't welcome here anymore. Lets go." She snatched Paige out of the booster seat.

"What about my nuggets?" Paige asked in a disappointed tone.

"There's a churro place down the street" Stark suggested.

"Do you wanna try a churro?" Tasha asked Paige.

"Okay" She responded. As we got up to leave I saw again how Paige smirked at the shaking waiter.

"Who knew little miss adorable had a dark side" I heard Stark mutter.


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